Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye is questioning the sovereignty of the former Soviet republics. Heavy criticism also comes from Germany.

The statements made by the Chinese ambassador in France also caused great outrage in Germany. “The statements made by the Chinese ambassador in Paris are completely unacceptable”, said Nils Schmid, foreign policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group, the news portal t-online. All successor states of the former Soviet Union are sovereign states and full members of the international community. “Sowing even the slightest doubt here is laying the ax on international law and the rules-based international order. China can have no interest in that either.”

The Chinese ambassador in Paris, Lu Shaye, had questioned the sovereignty of states that were once part of the Soviet Union in an interview on French television. Asked whether Crimea is part of Ukraine, the diplomat said it all depends on how you look at this issue.

“Actually, it’s hard to imagine”

“This lacks any basis in international law. It also contradicts China’s own resolutions”, said Green foreign politician Jürgen Trittin in an interview with t-online. According to Trittin, China would “question the right to exist of closer partners in the Shanghai cooperation, such as Kazakhstan or Tajikistan”. The foreign policy spokesman for the Union faction in the Bundestag, Jürgen Hardt, explained: “The Chinese ambassador in Paris obviously needs to catch up on international law. I am sure that the French government will respond in an appropriate way.”

Former Left Group leader Gregor Gysi criticizes the statements made by the Chinese ambassador to France. (Source: Michael Kappeler/dpa)

Gregor Gysi also expressed his horror: “Actually, it’s hard to imagine that the ambassador would say something like that without the Foreign Minister’s consent. But even that would be conceivable”, said the foreign policy spokesman for the left-wing faction t-online. The FDP foreign politician Ulrich Lechte reports to Ambassador Lu Shaye “little historical knowledge”. “We mustn’t allow ourselves to be misled by such untruths. Apparently the Chinese foreign ministry has backtracked in the meantime”said Lechte.

The Chinese foreign ministry has since distanced itself from the ambassador’s statements and emphasized the sovereignty of the Soviet republics.

CDU urges more speed in China strategy

Above all, German foreign policymakers are concerned about Chinese support for the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. “China must make a decision: will it continue to show solidarity with the war criminal Putin, or will it side with international law and defend the territorial integrity of other states?”, asked SPD politician Schmid. Lechte explained: “On the other hand, we must be aware that China is not an ordinary competitor, but also a system rival and that we therefore urgently need more independence and diversification in various areas.”

Nils Schmid
Nils Schmid: “China has to make a choice” (Source: Marijan Murat/Archive/dpa-images)

The foreign policy spokesman for the Greens, Jürgen Trittin, made it clear: “Our China policy must be realistic. That is the core of the German government’s China strategy, which the Foreign Minister is working on.” The federal government is currently working on a new China strategy, but this process is taking too long for the opposition. “It is all the more important that the federal government gives up its quarrels about the creation of the China strategy and takes appropriate measures to return China to the rule-based order”said CDU politician Hard t-online. “This will not be possible without allies, not least in New Delhi.”

Gregor Gysi, on the other hand, was skeptical about the dependence of the German economy on China. “If this pillar also collapses, it will be very difficult for our economy. Above all, we need China more than China needs us”said the left-wing politician t-online. “It is perfectly legitimate for our foreign policy to try to change certain Chinese developments, but a progressive breakdown in relations would be completely fatal.”


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