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Burning Man Festival in Nevada sinks into mud. Comedian Chris Rock and musician Diplo escaped the chaos with the help of a fan.

Heavy rain left the Burning Man Festival site in the Nevada desert, covered in mud. Tens of thousands of visitors are now stuck there and hope to be evacuated soon. The local sheriff’s office announced that all access to the site was closed, and the festival organizers called on the trapped guests to use water, food and fuel sparingly.

Escape from the Mud Shell in Fan’s pickup truck

The US comedian Chris Rock, 58, and the musician Diplo, 44, who managed to get out of the muddy disaster area, gave a first-hand insight into the situation on site yesterday. On Instagram Diplo posted a video of their escape together in the overcrowded bed of a pickup truck.

He commented, “I actually walked the roadside for hours with my thumbs out because I have a show in DC tonight and I didn’t want to let you guys down. Kudos also to this guy for making the smart purchase of a truck, without knowing that he was there for that moment.”

Muddy impressions of the festival grounds

Before they fled, his colleague Chris Rock had documented the mud desert of the festival in several Instagram stories and reported, among other things, that due to the flooding, the toilets on the site could no longer be emptied. In addition, it is almost impossible to move through the mud masses on foot.

The annual Burning Man Festival started on August 27th under difficult conditions and was supposed to end on September 4th. The weather now thwarted these plans.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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