Christian Nodal and Ángela Aguilar kiss in the middle of the concert

MIAMI.- Christian Nodal and Angela Aguilar They continue to attract attention since they announced their courtship at the beginning of this month, since now the famous couple was seen in Pars showing off their love in the middle of Fashion Week.

“Apparently, the couple are still in Paris, where the interpreter of Bottle after bottle attended the most exclusive events of Paris Fashion Week. From that place, Nodal has shared a video on Instagram stories where he appears sitting at the piano with Angela. The two laugh, hug and show themselves as the most in love and accomplices, showing that theirs is a real love. Towards the end of that miniclip, they both kiss sweetly while Nodal holds Angela by her waist. To give a more romantic touch to this postthe video has a filter and is set to music with the instrumental version of the classic Let’s leave a rose by dith Piaf”, rese HOLA.COMwhen capturing said video.

Christian Nodal and Angela Aguilar at Disneyland

In addition to their stay at Paris Fashion Week, the magazine stated that Nodal and Aguilar were also at Disneyland in the French capital.

“During their stay in Paris, known as The City of Love, the couple have had the opportunity to enjoy a few quiet days, where they have been seen as just another couple of tourists among its streets. Also, it was reported that recently, They were photographed at Disneyland Paris. On their walk through the amusement park, they were captured holding hands and enjoying themselves to the fullest, showing that their relationship has them happy and excited. The lovers have also had the opportunity to return to Mexico City. while she has accompanied him to countries like Ecuador and the Dominican Republic, the same ones to which the young performer has taken his musician with his tour. Pa’l Corawhich has filled him with professional satisfaction,” detailed the specialized media.

On June 10, both singers revealed to HOLA! their courtship. “Angela and Christian are very in love and excited about this new stage of their lives. The couple is all smiles and hopeful for the future, confident in their relationship, with plans already prepared and exciting trips ahead,” the magazine published.

According to the artists, the romantic relationship is not a novelty in their lives, since one of the two declared to the media that the courtship represents a continuation of the love they have for each other.

“It is not a new relationship; it is the continuation of a story that life made us stop so we could grow and miss each other. Because when we let go, we return even closer.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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