In the coalition, all partners insist on their favorite projects. That doesn’t work: the traffic light parties have to cash in.

There is not much time left: on March 15, the federal cabinet is to set the key figures for the federal budget decide for the coming year. This is the basic framework for the budget for 2024. The fact that the coalition partners are now wrangling – also publicly – about who gets how much money is part of the political business. After all, all ministers strive to have as much money as possible available for their projects.

In the traffic light coalition, however, it is now becoming increasingly clear what everyone involved knew from the start: the SPD, the Greens and the FDP are three parties that have very different political priorities in many areas. For example, the SPD wants to tax high earners higher, while the FDP is strictly against higher taxes. Finance Minister Christian Lindner wants them debt brake comply again in the coming year, for the SPD and Greens the further suspension would be the solution to many problems.

Traffic light coalition: Which agreements from the coalition agreement have priority?

Last year, the coalition planned billions in addition to the regular budget to deal with the consequences of the war in Ukraine. In the acute crisis situation, the differences of opinion between the three parties were covered up by the massive expenditure. However, this tactic is permanent not a sustainable policyagreed projects are now on the brink.

Also read: Traffic light coalition – There are problems with these projects

Even if it’s painful: the SPD, FDP and Greens have to sit down and think together about which initially agreed projects should now be given priority. The argument “But that’s what the coalition agreement says!” no longer counts. The document was finally in a time before the war and one energy crisis negotiated.

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