Science has news for those trying to lose weight: a compound present in fruits such as lemon and orange can be an ally in the diet. According to a Brazilian study, limonene, a substance found especially in the peel of citrus fruits, modulates the intestinal microbiota, causing the body to absorb less fat.

In addition to helping to reduce weight gain, the substance already had other benefits described: it is analgesic, antioxidant, healing and antitumor. Limonene represents from 60% to 90% of the composition of citrus fruit peels and is also found inside them, but in smaller quantities.

The data were collected in a study carried out by nutritionists at the Fapesp Food Research Center based at the University of São Paulo (USP) and published in December 2022 in the journal Metabolites. The researchers studied mice on super-fat diets.

The rats were divided into three groups: the first received a proportion of 0.1% limonene in their daily ration; the second received 0.8%; and the third did not ingest the substance.

Mice that received 0.1% limonene gained 30% less weight than mice that did not consume the compound. Those in the group that took 0.8% of the substance ended up 25% less heavy than the control group.

Therefore, the best answer for weight control is not to eat as many lemons as possible. Moderate doses of limonene, at 0.1% of the diet, appeared to be more effective in limiting nutrient absorption.

“In high concentrations, limonene may have eliminated beneficial bacteria from the intestinal microbiota, thus reducing the advantages related to the reduction of weight gain”, said nutritionist José Fernando Rinaldi Alvarenga, author of the study, to FAPESP Agency last Tuesday (2/5).

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The post Compound of lemon and orange bar weight gain, says Brazilian study first appeared on Metropolis.


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