Congress will decide on funds for internet access program

Congress must renew on a bipartisan basis the funds approved in previous years for affordable internet access, which benefits low-income families and households.

Los subsidy funds to help 23 million people low resources to have internet due this spring. The funds are expected to be approved again by Congress in Washington.

The Affordable Connectivity Program (PCA), which offers $30 a month to each family in most places and $75 in tribal lands, will run out of funds by the end of April if Congress does not approve an extension.

“I think this should be a priority for Congress,” North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat who has worked with a bipartisan group of governors to promote the program, said in a telephone interview. “For many families, $30 a month is a lot.”

It certainly is for Shirleen Alexander, a Charlotte resident who says that money helps offset her high medical and food expenses.

The program is part of the federal government’s plans to give internet access to the entire population, which Biden has promoted in the midst of his re-election campaign and compares it, as political propaganda, to the enormous state program that supplied electricity to the rural areas in the 1930s.

Biden’s economic policies have suffocated families

“Our goal is to connect everyone in America to the internet, with affordable and reliable connections by 2030. Everyone in America, just as Franklin Roosevelt did a generation ago with electricity,” Biden said in Raleigh.

Due to Joe Biden’s failed economic measures that led to the worst inflation in almost five decades, family income has decreased by more than $6,000 each year, 1.2% between 2021 and 2022. It is the first time that the index has shown an annual reduction in per capita income.

So far, only 43% of eligible families have registered with the PCA. But the program has helped registrants avoid difficult decisions like the ones Alexander described, said Brian Vo, chief investment officer at Connect Humanity, a nonprofit that promotes internet connectivity.

The internet also gives access to vital services such as remote medical care, remote classes and working from home, he added.

“If you take into account the PCA and all the savings in terms of social services and the economic value that it brings, the benefits far outweigh the cost of $30 per family,” according to Vo.

The majority of American families (more than 63%) are barely making ends meet, after the price hike encouraged by Joe Biden’s government and its initial war against oil companies for their policies on alleged climate change, which prominently scientists have publicly denounced it as part of a plot to turn it into a huge lucrative business worldwide.

If the 30 dollars of aid for the internet are important, the most significant thing is that the majority of families in the US with their work income would not see the need to live more in debt every week and forced to have up to two jobs to be able to afford their expenses. basic expenses. Thus, the federal government would have to spend less taxpayer money and allocate greater funds to health programs, for example, where high prices and co-payments bleed Americans, even with health insurance.

(email protected)

Source: With information from AFP and other sources.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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