O. Martin, J. Martin, M. Lassaga, D. Breysse, C. Blondiaux, E. Tymen

France 2

France Televisions

A question can turn into a debate in several French regions: who do you think makes the best country ham? Savoie, Auvergne, Vendée, Bayonne, Bigorre… Here are some answers.


In Auvergne too, raw ham is a question of requirement, because it has an IGP, Protected Geographical Indication. About 1,600 tons are produced each year, seven salting companies make it like that of Jean-François Limougoux. “The typicality of our Auvergne ham is when we put garlic, pepper and spices in our salt”, explains the director of Limoujoux Salaisons. A recipe protected by specifications, which notably requires the ham to mature very slowly, lasting at least eight to nine months.


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