Controversy in Greece over the 6-day work week

Las Greek companies may implement a sixth working day and modify workers’ schedules depending on the needs of the company, According to the new Giorgiadis Law, implemented since last July 1st. This also allows a worker with an eight-hour contract to also have a second job with up to five hours, to supplement his salary. In addition, the minimum wage is 830 euros.

However, companies may benefit from this regulation if the Sixth day of work is 40% better paid. If this day is a Sunday or holiday, the worker has the right to have his salary increase by 115%, with an additional 25% if it is at night. The goal with this change is facilitate the production of the sectors with a continuous flow of work, combat the black economy and improve employee income, according to the Greek government. rest, therefore, It will be 11 hours a day y one full day a week. That is, it is aimed at companies that operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or companies with a heavy workload. This legislation is already in force in sectors such as tourism or catering.

The controversial past of the Minister of Labor

The Giorgiadis Law labor reform was presented by Adonis Georgiadesthen Minister of Labor and currently Minister of Health. He is the vice president of the ruling New Democracy party and comes from LAOS, a former far-right party. Before his time as minister, was a presenter of teleshopping programs with revisionist themes about Greek history.

This past has served as justification for criticism by unions and opposition. Return to the working conditions of the 19th century It is a shame for the country, have declared the opposition party, the Coalition of the Radical Left, popularly known as Syriza. This reform was approved thanks to an absolute majority. of the Government party, but with the rest of the political parties against it.

Nevertheless, from the Ministry of Labor They argue that this legislation It is an exception to cover situations that require specialized personnel. Meanwhile, the unions remember that while in many European countries debate the four-day week, Greece is backing down and extends working time. They also claim that this legislation is confusing, both in terms of remuneration and the working hours of employees. The General Confederation of Workers of Greece (GSEE), for its part, fears that there will be more workplace accidents for the accumulation of hours.

Protests outside the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

On Wednesday afternoon, the major unions, In total about 150 people, have gathered in front of the Ministry of Labour in the centre of Athens to show their rejection of this legislation. The Government assures that with these laws there will be more control over the hours worked and that they have been approved to be more efficient, but I doubt it; in addition, this labor reform leaves room for interpretation by companies, says Stellos Champalis, a 33-year-old maintenance technician in the pharmaceutical industry who attended the demonstration. In the public sector, this regulation will begin to be implemented at local and regional level, for the moment, explains Zoi Papadopoulou, a civil servant.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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