Corruption is the root of all Ecuador's problems

QUITO. The former president of Ecuador and elected representative, Lucio Gutierrezused his social network account X, formerly Twitter, to express his deep concern about the current situation in the country, pointing out that corruption is the root of all problems.

“The origin of the disaster is the corruption,” Gutiérrez wrote. “They steal the people’s money then flee, they pass laws in favor of white-collar criminals, we are invaded by drug cartels, gangs criminals.”

Faced with this serious situation, the former president proposes radical reforms to combat corruption and crime. “We are going to radical reforms for life imprisonment,” Gutiérrez insisted.

“To combat corruption and crime, we present amendments to the Constitution to regulate the Principle of Citizenship Universal asking Past Judicial; preventive detention for embezzlement crimes, drug traffickinghitman, rape, femicide; eliminate privileges from PPL,” explained the former president. That is, eliminating special advantages or benefits that some inmates may have, often due to their wealth, power or influence.

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Gutiérrez argues that these privileges are unfair and create a two-tier system within prisons. Wealthier prisoners can enjoy a more comfortable life, while poorer prisoners are forced to live in more precarious conditions.

Reform the Comprehensive Penal Code

Among the articles of the Constitution that he wants to eliminate or reform, is 416, numeral 6, because in the opinion of former President Gutiérrez, this was the beginning of all crime, drug trafficking and corruption in Ecuador.

“That article was posted by the former president Rafael Correa, now a fugitive from justice, precisely so that the drug cartels and criminal gangs that have settled in the country come with peace of mind. “That immense door that Correa opened, we want to close.”

In addition, he wants to eliminate all articles that may oppose life imprisonment in the Constitution and “drastically” reform the Comprehensive Penal Code to punish “thief” politicians, until they return the stolen money and can benefit from a reduced sentence.

It is clear that corruption and crime are problems graves that afflict Ecuador and that require urgent solutions. Gutiérrez’s proposals are a starting point to start a national debate on how to address these problems effectively.

(email protected)

Source: Account of the social network

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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