"Why does Alexa never understand Cubans?"

A nice home video that shows the work a Cuban goes through to communicate with Alexa has gone viral on the Internet.

“Why does Alexa never understand Cubans?” he asks. Jorge Drake on your Tik Tok account.

The young man was cooking at home when he asked the virtual assistant to play him the song We are the world (We are the World), a classic of American music.

But no matter how much I repeated the title of the song, whether in English or Spanish, the device only understood the name of Michael Jackson.

“She does that to me every day,” Jorge stressed.

More than a thousand people commented on the post.

“Someone who knows about technology, we need a Cuban Alexa that understands us, it would be called something like Esta Tu Niña,” one suggested.

“I imagine a Cuban Alexa. First, her name would be Yumidisleydis and the answers would be (asere, my tank, I don’t have that song, give yourself respect), hahaha,” wrote another.

“What happens is that we speak very quickly and she doesn’t understand us, and with less English that they taught us in Cuba; poor Alexa,” said a young man.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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