Cristina Pedroche, accused of plagiarism for her chime dress

Cristina Pedroche never leaves the public indifferent with her choices for dressing on New Year’s Eve. The expectation that she generates with her traditional dress is such that she covers it with a cape to maintain the excitement until the last moment and thus welcome the new year with a success with audiences.

But, in addition to curiosity, it usually also brings with it controversy, and on this occasion it was no less, since, once again, has been accused of plagiarism. In this case, on Twitter they have recovered a dress belonging to the singer Becky G and they have echoed how much it reminds him of the one he wore last night in Madrid. The Pedroche dress was already predicted by Becky G in 2022. What a crappy plagiarism!, pointed out a user of this social network.

A situation that is not new for Pedrochewho, without going any further, last year was already the protagonist of controversy when compare its design, where it became a dove of peace, with another worn by India Martinez.

Furthermore, in 2019, both she and her stylist, Josie, were forced to come out in defense of the dress chosen for that occasion, since the flowery model was reminiscent (very much) of the one she had chosen. I saw Laetitia Casta at a Yves Saint Laurent show.

Jokes with the outfit

Another who has also used social networks and Cristina Pedroche’s dress to inaugurate the year has been Jordi Cruz, the famous presenter of Art Attackwho wanted to make fun of the ephemeral design chosen by the Vallecana. To make your pedroche dress you need a roll of plastic wrap, a paintbrush and turquoise paint.type next to a smile emoticon.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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