Crowds of families welcome new arrivals at Miami International Airport

Every day, the Miami International Airport leaves images like the one shared this Friday by a social media user, in which a crowd of people could be seen waiting to welcome their relatives who had recently arrived in the United States.

In a tour of the waiting room at the exit doors of the airport, the user recorded a video that showed dozens of family groups with balloons and American flags, waiting for their loved ones to leave.

Although it cannot be distinguished in the video, shared by the events site Only in Dademany of those who gathered there were families of Cuban origin, a population whose stampede on the Island has decreased in recent times, but continues to fuel the exodus of Cubans in search of hope, freedom and opportunities outside their homeland.

In mid-December, a Cuban family rehearsed a nice choreography to welcome other family members arriving at Miami International Airport (MIA), and the image was shared on social networks.

Through her TikTok account, a Cuban shared a video from the MIA in which she showed this family of Cubans who decided to welcome their loved ones with joy and avoid the dramatic reunion scenes that are repeated in this scenario.

At the end of October, relatives They gave an emotional welcome to a Cuban mother at a United States airport.

In a video broadcast on TikTok, the Cuban woman is seen receiving, through tears, kisses and hugs from several people who went to receive her at one of the airports in the United States, among them small children.

“No more distances. Welcome, home, baby“said a young woman in mid-September to her partner at the airport, with whom she embraced in a hug while saying: “We did it!”.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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