Cuban complains about the requirements to rent a home in Miami: "An extremism"

A young Cuban called on property owners in Miami to moderate the requirements for renting homes and complained about the number of conditions they set for rent.

He cited in particular the obligation to deposit a six-month deposit, which in most cases, given the high amount of the monthly rent, means more than 11 thousand dollars deposit in total.

Lilian Gómez, a young Cuban who works as a realtor in Miami, called on property owners to moderate the requirements for renting homes, and complained about the number of conditions they are setting for rent.

“I make this video because I feel that what is happening with rent here in Miami currently is an abuse and extremism. I am calling on property owners because I feel that they are going to the extreme when it comes to requesting documentation to rent,” Lilian Gómez began by saying.

The young woman related the case of a client with a credit report of 640 who was asked for six months of security deposit to enter an apartment that has a rent of $1,900.

“We are talking about a condominium that was nothing out of this world, a spacious apartment, but it was nothing out of this world,” Gómez stressed.

However, after presenting all types of documentation, they required six months of deposit, which in this case is more than 11 thousand dollars, to formalize the contract.

“What they are asking for is abusive,” observed the young woman, who assured that she understands the owners’ position of taking care not to have a tenant who does not pay the rent.

“I make this video to call on the owners and associations to be a little aware when it comes to asking for so many requirements because it is becoming impossible,” he reiterated at the end.

“We put ourselves in the shoes of the people who are renting and it really becomes super difficult.”

The Cuban realtor’s request generated a wide debate on TikTok.

Several Cubans living in other states questioned why they stay in Miami when for such prices they can live very well in other areas of the United States.

“With what you put down as a deposit there and the month’s rent you have enough to get in Texas and you have money left over,” observed one woman.

“Those of us who have lived here for a lifetime do not have thousands of dollars to pay for a moving truck and thousands more for a house,” responded a Cuban from Miami.

“As long as they continue paying those rents, they will continue to rise”; “The problem is that people from New York and California move to Miami with the salaries of those states and since they earn well, they see the normal price and continue raising prices,” said two Internet users.

A third pointed out that the rent is not going to go down and that what could happen is something similar to the law that came into force in California, that only a deposit can be requested and no more month.

“I understand you but what happens is that in Miami people who rent leave their properties destroyed and sometimes go two or three months without paying. It’s sad”; “I have two houses that I rent, and I tell you that you have to do that because many later do not want to pay,” they said.

“Let me explain to you… it’s called supply and demand, if the owner has excess demand he can choose and ask for whatever he wants. It’s called free market,” stated one commentator.

The increase in housing rents in Miami has become a matter of extreme concern for many citizens, who have even resorted to sharing housing with other people because they cannot afford to pay all the rent.

Others are considering staying or leaving for other North American states.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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