Cuban in Las Vegas finds unexpected similarities between the United States and Cuba

A Cuban woman in Las Vegas has shared in a TikTok video the similarities she has found between her native country and the United States, demystifying some beliefs about life abroad.

In his video titled “Things I see in the United States, that were in Cuba, and that I thought would not happen here,” he mentions queues, the Internet and street vendors.

User @dianaelenasigasre commented that she thought queues were a Cuban thing. “Here in Las Vegas people wake up a day early and set up a chair to mark their turn. Go to Walmart to pay.”dice.

Other points addressed in the video are the internet, paperwork, street vendors or people who do not work.

“It’s not always good here. It’s quite slow, sometimes you lose connection,” she said about the Internet, while she says she has “never seen anything like it” when it comes to paperwork in the United States. “Here, if you go to do a procedure, you have to sign 500 things,” says this Cuban.

“There are many people here who live off government aid, I think more than there (Cuba)”he commented on people who do not work.

In response to these statements, many comments supported her words while others did not agree with what this Cuban woman said.

“One question, are you sure you’re in the US?”, “I think you’re in Cuba”, “I’ve lived in Las Vegas for 9 years and I’ve never seen a town crier”, “I don’t know where that is, but in my time here in Texas I’ve never seen anything like that” or “Those are Cubans,” say some comments.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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