Cuban political prisoner is forced to have an abortion, her mother denounces

MIAMI.- According to the mother of the 9/11 protester in Cuba, Lisdany Rodríguez Isaac, the reproductive rights of the young pregnant woman, who has remained in prison for political reasons for more than two years, are being violated.

Lisdany, one of Bárbara Isaac’s twin daughters who were accused of sedition and sentenced to severe prison sentences, requires medical attention but instead what she receives is pressure from the authorities.

“They are not treating her, she has dizziness and they do not give her even a single gravinol, so State Security wants to force her to have an abortion but she does not want to. She is afraid that something is going to happen to her and I am also afraid for their lives,” said Bárbara Isaac.

In the complaint, shared by Prisoners Defenders on social networks, it is clear that there is no adequate food in Cuban prisons either. “Only what one takes,” Isaac emphasized and expanded on the circumstances of the pregnancy of his daughter Lisdany.

“She has never been pregnant in her life and coincidentally at this bad time she comes to get pregnant and she doesn’t want to take it out. She is six weeks old, almost seven.”

According to the information provided by the mother, Lisdany’s husband is also detained, as is Lisdiany, her other daughter, who called her to notify her of the situation.

The sisters are in the Guamajal prison, in the center of the country, which they call “this dark place.”

There they live with the activists Arianna López Roque, Donaida Pérez Paseiro and Nidia Bienes Paseiro, they signed a letter (4) desperate, asking for help from human rights organizations after the five were sentenced to eight years in prison.

The human rights violations denounced by political prisoners are not exclusive to one prison, but extend throughout the country, where arrests in relation to the July protests amounted, in the case of women, to the figure of 218. .

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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