The Union wants to have the role of Olaf Scholz in the Warburg Bank tax affair investigated again. That’s legitimate.

parliamentary committees of inquiry are considered the sharpest sword of the opposition in Germany. They have special rights, including hearing witnesses, requesting files or initiating investigations – similar to the criminal justice system. In the history of the Federal Republic there have been various investigative committees in the Bundestag that have caused a great deal of fuss and have made the respective government look bad. In this regard, the U-committees on the debacle surrounding the car toll and the bankruptcy of the payment service provider Wirecard are remembered from the past election period.

Cum-Ex: The scandal must be comprehensively processed

Now the Union wants a committee of inquiry into the tax affair surrounding Hamburg Warburg-Bank as well as the role played by the mayor of Hamburg at the time and now Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). The bank was embroiled in the so-called cum-ex scandal, which involved recovering taxes that were never paid. There is already a sub-committee in the Hamburg Parliament on the matter.

The public has a right to know that With-Out-Scandal is processed in every facet. It is therefore okay that the Union is now applying for the establishment of a U-committee on Warburg in the Bundestag. Objections by the SPD and the FDP that all questions have already been answered in Hamburg and that the Bundestag may not even be allowed to deal with the local cause seem less confident and almost thin-skinned. If the chancellor and his SPD actually have a good conscience about the Warburg Bank, as they keep emphasizing, then they should actually be able to look forward to the planned committee with equanimity.

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