You are currently viewing Cyberpunk 2077 – How much playing time is in Phantom Liberty?

How long does it take you to complete the story of Phantom Liberty? And how much playing time is there in general in the addon? We’ll tell you.

Phantom Liberty opens the gate to the autonomous district of Dogtown, which is normally isolated from the rest of Night City, and inundates you with new missions, gigs and activities.

We have completely played through the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion and will tell you how much playing time you should plan for main and side quests depending on your play style. We also looked at the new ending and explained how much extra time it takes to reach the credits.

You want to know whether returning to Night City is even worth it for the addon? Then take a look at our detailed test of Phantom Liberty:

That’s how much playing time there is in Phantom Liberty

How long does it take me to complete the main quest?

Before you get started with Phantom Liberty, you first have to Main quest “Transmission” of the base game completed have – this is the quest line of the Voodoo Boys. Only then will Songbird contact you and you can enter the new area. When starting a new game, you can also skip this part and start with a character at level 15. This way you can get started with the expansion straight away. If you want to start from scratch, plan at least 10 hours for the main quest until “Transmission” a.

A completely new main storyline awaits you in Dogtown itself. Depending on your playing style, this takes time about 20 to 25 hoursif you ignore all the other side quests, open-world activities and of course the main game.

If you start from scratch, it will take you around 10 hours to complete the addon's first quest.

If you start from scratch, it will take you around 10 hours to complete the addon’s first quest.

If you are the cautious type of player and like to sneak up on enemies silently, then it may take longer. You’ll get through it a little quicker with a go-getter build that quickly throws itself into the fray.

At one point you can’t avoid completing at least three side missions, but those are already included in the 20 to 25 hours.

How long do I need for main and side quests?

If you want to take a closer look, take in all the side missions and maybe even one or two open world activities like the parachute drops or the vehicle missions, then the playing time increases to 30 to 40 hours – Here too, of course, it depends a lot on your playing style. Do you prefer playing stealth or Rambo? Do you use fast travel a lot or do you prefer driving through Night City? And and and.

The playing time only includes the quests and activities in Phantom Liberty, not in the main game.

We recommend that you also take all the side quests with you, because they are really worth it!

We recommend that you also take all the side quests with you, because they are really worth it!

Can I still go back after the main quest?

Yes, don’t let the end credits scare you: Once you’ve completed the main quest of Phantom Liberty, you can return to Night City as normal and continue playing. New side missions are even unlocked in Dogtown.

How long do I need until the epilogue?

If you have met all the conditions for the new ending, you will receive one after the main quest of Phantom Liberty new point of no return, a quest that marks the end and leads to the epilogue. You should have done everything you wanted to do beforehand.

Good news for anyone who doesn’t want to play the main game again: You no longer have to return to the rest of the game if you don’t want to. The quest that leads to the new ending is unlocked fairly quickly after the addon’s main story.

Don't worry when you see the credits.  After completing the addon, you can go back to Night City and do everything else.

Don’t worry when you see the credits. After completing the addon, you can go back to Night City and do everything else.

So if you just focus on the main quest and then go straight to the end, you’ll be through in about 23 to 28 hours. If you still want to take the side quests and other activities with you, you will see the end after about 33 to 43 hours.

It took us about 40 hours total to complete our run from scratch with a completely new character. Some side quests are even left over.

How high is the replay value?

From a big decision in the main story – which of course we don’t want to spoil for you – the course of the game splits dramatically. So players who chose option A experience something completely different than players who chose option B.

The epilogue can also contain different little nuances, depending on which missions you have already completed and which relationships you have made in Night City.

Even the small side missions sometimes present you with decisions, which can then lead to new quests. This results in a high replay value for the addon.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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