Florida Education Commissioner, for schools without indoctrination

MIAMI. – One of the goals of the Florida government is to prevent the infiltration of totalitarian ideologies and indoctrination based on gender and race theories in the educational system. In that sense, Tallahassee has enacted laws that seek to “protect” students from any form of “radical indoctrination” in schools and universities.

In an exclusive interview with DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS, Florida Secretary of Education, Manny Díaz Jr., highlighted a series of state measures that focus on teaching “the basics” in educational establishments and on the “need” to prepare new teachers through programs that do not contain those types of concepts.

Díaz also mentioned recent legislation limiting book censorship in schools, while refuting a study showing Florida as one of the states where teachers receive the worst salaries. Additionally, he stated that he disagrees with the installation of cameras in Miami-Dade school areas, although he said that is a local decision in which his office has no authority.

-Florida has been chosen as the state where education is best provided in the entire country. What is your reading of that rating?

We are very proud to be named number one in education in the country for the second year in a row by US News & World Report. I believe this is thanks to the policies that we are implementing and the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis to get our education back to the basics, which is teaching our children and not indoctrinating them, and that they learn English, reading, math, etc., while maintaining low costs even in university education, with access to all scholarship programs, in a state where parents have the power to decide and this is why we see performance thanks to our teachers, school directors and professors and presidents of our universities.

-Governor DeSantis and his office as state Secretary of Education have been promoting a campaign against what is known as ‘ideology woke‘ or ‘awakening’. Could the results of this study be perceived as a show of support from the Florida community for the policies promoted from Tallahassee in the field of education?

Parents and the community are very happy with the work we are doing. And this is another proof and sign that this ‘course’ works. Parents want their children to go to school to learn important subjects, not radical theories of gender or race. They don’t want any of that. What we have to do here is continue with the basics to ensure that our students are educated and can pursue their careers in the state of Florida, and be productive residents and citizens. Speak very clearly that this works.

-There is concern about the advance of communism, not only in the United States, but also in countries on the American continent, and the means that would be used is education at various academic levels. What is your feeling?

It’s a danger. The Marxist ideology of the left is trying to penetrate and expand. Here in Florida, we have passed several laws to ensure that we are not going to let this into our school campuses or university institutions. This is a way to protect our citizens and ensure that our students can receive an education and not indoctrination from those who practice those radical ideologies that, sadly, we have seen in other parts of the country and also throughout Latin America.

-In recent days and months, new legislation has been enacted to reinforce this barrier against communism in Florida educational centers. What does it tell us about it?

Yes, a law was just passed that the governor signed to reform and ensure that in teacher training programs in the state of Florida there are no classes that contain radical ideology, neither gender nor socialism. , and much less about critical race theory. We are promoting that teachers be trained correctly in the science of what teaching is and that is why this law has just been signed. I should also mention other laws we have passed in recent years here in the state to protect our students from pornographic content, radical gender ideology, and critical race theory.

-The veto of books in schools that may contain topics such as those mentioned is an issue that generates some controversy. Between 2021 and 2023, more than 5,000 texts have been censored and Governor DeSantis recently signed a law to limit that possibility. How can you explain that regulation?

A bill was passed maintaining parents’ right to object to books, but limiting others who do not have children in school. What we have seen is that there is an effort on the left to try to raise objections about classic books and books that do belong to the school system to try to confuse the people. And that is why this change has been made to ensure and protect the rights of parents and to reaffirm that the subjects taught within schools are correct. An adult here in the state can read any book they want, but the books that are on school campuses must be free of pornography and those radical ideologies.

-While Florida is shown as the state with the best education in the country, a study was also known that points to the state as one of the places where teachers are paid the worst. This because?

The governor since taking office has invested $4 billion directly into teacher salaries. The starting salary of educators was also increased from $40,000 to $48,000 on average in our school districts, and that is something that is decided in local negotiations. However, we must keep in mind that this study comes from the teachers union, which is trying to create propaganda to specifically harm Florida and Governor DeSantis. These assessments must be looked at individually for each district. There are averages. When you have younger teachers, they are going to have slightly lower salaries. Not only have we invested millions of dollars in salaries in the last five years, but 40% of the state funds go to salaries.

-You have made your political career in Miami-Dade. Where does your management as Secretary of Education in your home county point?

Every student in the state and Miami-Dade County should have the opportunity to attend a school that works, and this is seen with charter schools, scholarships, and improved programming in district schools. . The Miami-Dade school district is making an effort to improve schools and make them more attractive to students and parents. The more competition, we will see improvement in the performance of our public schools.

-In Miami-Dade, an ordinance was approved for the installation of cameras in school areas, in order to reduce the speed of drivers and protect students. What is your opinion of this measure?

I’m not a fan of cameras. I think cameras create all kinds of privacy issues. But I am in favor of having a police presence in these areas to maintain order and that there are no speeding cars that could put students in danger. We cannot intervene in this as the Secretary of Education, it is something that local districts have the right to do.

(email protected)


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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