Dabiz Muoz gives the first details of Cristina Pedroche's dress for the Campanadas

Cristina Pedroche will once again be in charge of the Antena 3 Bells. Of course, she will not be alone. The presenter will repeat her experience with Alberto Chicote, an infallible duo that will aspire to become the most watched broadcast for the third consecutive year on the night of December 31 from Madrid’s Puerta del Sol. A very special day in which Vallecas has already been working for several months.

And the moment in which the television show reveals her dress has become one of the most anticipated by everyone. An outfit of which her husband Dabiz Muoz gives the first details, making it clear that her partner is going to blow it up again. The Spanish chef, who has already been able to see the piece, advances in statements to Europa Press that this year the outfit designed by Josie It has a super beautiful and super powerful message.

The truth is that the work she and Josie do throughout the year is very creative. I think people would be amazed if they saw all the work behind it, Dabiz Muoz continues to express. The most difficult thing when we talk about unique things and creative things is to keep doing new things. And I believe that this year, once again, they have reinvented themselves. They are going to blow it up again, without a doubt, he adds.

Your role as a father

The arrival of little Laia has meant a before and after in their lives. However, Dabiz Muoz makes it clear that he feels very delighted with his new role as his father. Delighted with life, the truth is, he admits in Europa Press. I can’t feel anymore lucky to have a person like Cristina by my side. Besides, it is what it is and it helps me so much in everything…, she says.

And the Mediaset Chimes?

Like Antena 3, Telecinco also has confirmed its presenting partner for the end-of-year Chimes. Those chosen by the Fuencarral chain? Martha Flich and Jess Street. They will broadcast the goodbye to 2023 and the entry to 2024 simultaneously on both the main Mediaset channel and Cuatro. The presenter of GH VIP 8 and the adventurer of Planeta Calleja will take over from Risto Mejide and Maril Montero who starred in the least seen Chimes in the history of the network.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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