Dani Alves: this was his first hours in provisional freedom

Since yesterday at 16:26 Dani Alves breathes now outside of Brians prison 2 Barcelona, after fourteen months and five days in provisional prison after being sentenced to four and a half years in prison, in addition to another five years of supervised release, removal and incommunication with the victim for nine years and six months, and compensation of 150,000 and the payment of the costs of the trial, for the crime of sexual assault that he committed on the night of December 30, 2022 in the bathroom of the private room of the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona.

After posting the bail of one million euros requested by Section 21 of the Barcelona Courtamong other measures requested by the court to release him while the appeals are not resolved and there is a final ruling in the case (which could take around two years), The former Barcelona footballer leaves the penitentiary center with his eyes straight ahead and in the company of his lawyerIns Guardiola, course to the back seat of his friend Bruno Brasil’s vehiclewho was with him the night the events occurred in the Sutton VIP area.

Alves returned to his mansion of Esplugues de Llobregatwhere he lived with his second wife, Joana Alves, and there he was reunited with family and loved ones, including his mother and brother Dani. This is the same home on which he based his roots to ensure that he would not flee of Barcelona during the period of probation, that is, until the appeals are resolved and there is a final ruling.

Of what There is no certainty that the model from Tenerife was in the house.although during the live broadcasts of afternoon television programs It was seen that a huge bouquet of flowers arrived for her.. Neither the young woman nor the Brazilian were in charge of picking it up.

Ms informacin

  • The footballer has already deposited the million euros filed by the Barcelona Court as bail to be able to get out of prison a year and two months later.

The flower delivery man was not the only one to arrive at the footballer’s home in the Catalan town., just 35 kilometers from the prison in which he has been held for more than fourteen months. Behind him, another appeared to fulfill what would possibly be one of the footballer’s desires in recent months: eating a hamburger.

Without packages on his way out of prison

One of the details that most caught Dani Alves’ attention upon leaving the Brians 2 prison, in addition to his haughty gesture, was that He did not carry with him any type of packages with his belongings..

Apparently, the clothes he had accumulated in recent months, almost all sports (it is known that he participated in the soccer games that were held in the prison), would have distributed it among other prisoners of different modules, such as a fan and a television apparatus.

In addition, He would have also left a copy of the Bible in prison.a text that I would have resorted to in recent times, since it is about a person of strong religious beliefs.

On the other hand, the footballer left in storage other belongings that you have used in these months but that he did not want to take him with him yesterday on his return home, so it is believed that In the next few hours, someone from her environment will go to the penitentiary center to pick her up..

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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