Demi Lovato exposes the challenges she faced with her mental health

MIAMI.- For five years, Demi Lovato has traveled a path full of challenges to achieve serenity in his mental health. However, the actress and singer assured that she currently feels stable, and although at some point she believed she had failed in her fight, she learned to celebrate the small victories in the midst of turbulence.

“I have been in treatment hospitalized five times and each time I returned to a treatment center I felt defeated. “I know that experience firsthand,” he said during a meeting at the Center for Juvenile Mental Health at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, in which Dr. Charlie Shaffer, son of Anna Wintour, also participated.

“I think the ray of hope started when I started to find joy in the little things in life. And that was something that was very strange to me before because I was very, very used to not seeing hope. Definitely, at that time things They felt different.”

Trust the treatment

Although, at first, she was not in the process of being hospitalized, Lovato pointed out that it was during her fifth hospitalization when she realized that the treatment worked.

“I felt like I had hit rock bottom and I knew what I had to do, which was to live a life in recovery. And that was something I rejected for a long time. I also needed the right medications. I think in my case the medications have helped me.” “They have helped a lot of people.”

The 31-year-old interpreter also stated that although the landscape looks cloudy, over time things begin to take the right direction. “When all the key pieces started to fit together like a perfect puzzle, I started to find the light again.”

Likewise, Demi rejects that there are still prejudices regarding mental health today.

She noted that in her case, she has not let her experiences define her as a person, but she does recognize and value how those experiences have shaped her and led her to become the person she is today.

“It’s just a part of who I am, meaning that my struggles have shaped me into the person I see myself today, but it has never become my identity. It has simply become something about me that makes me a Uninteresting, I guess you could say.

In 2023, Demi Lovato participated in the Mind & Hollywood Summit in Los Angeles, where she explained how her life was transformed after receiving the bipolar diagnosis.

I felt so relieved after the diagnosis. “I had spent many years struggling and didn’t know why I dealt with depression in certain ways at such low times, when I seemingly had the world in front of me, full of opportunities.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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