Democrats in critical situation for justifying Biden's deteriorating mental health

As a popular saying goes, which has taken different versions: lying has very short steps.

The first presidential debate between former President Donald J. Trump and President Joe Biden was just the straw that broke the camel’s back; in this case it was the confirmation of what hundreds of millions around the world have seen before and during Biden’s term in dozens of videos and images from news outlets at official events, speeches and statements without a guide or teleprompter.

At this point, the White House and the Democratic campaign are at a loss for words and actions to justify Biden’s failure in the presidential debate. The latest argument was that foreign travel is the cause of the President’s disorientation and apparent physical and mental inability to occupy the most important position on the planet.

Media outlets push for Biden’s resignation

Influential media outlets in American politics such as The New York Times and Times magazine have openly called for Biden to withdraw from his presidential candidacy. In an article published on Wednesday, the NYTimes said that the president was considering dropping out of the race for re-election, but moments later Biden himself and the White House denied this information. However, there is another popular saying that goes: when the river makes noise, stones come…

However, the scandal created spontaneously or on purpose over Biden’s performance in the debate is striking, when throughout the entire electoral campaign period and in his mandate the former vice president’s visible inability in the Barack Obama administration to lead the American nation has been latent and under public scrutiny.

Justifications and lies about Biden’s abilities have not been lacking either:

  • White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre: “People shouldn’t even ask about Biden’s physical condition.”
  • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer: Biden’s ‘mental acuity is EXCELLENT’
  • Ron Klain, former White House chief of staff: “I think his physical fitness and stamina are beyond question.”
  • Justice Department Secretary Merrick Garland: ‘The President has no impediment!’
  • Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz: It’s ‘ageism’ for Americans to worry about Biden’s age and stamina.
  • Democratic Sen. Alejandro Padilla: “Not only is he qualified to do the job, he’s done an incredible job.”

And so on, a long list of figures from the blue camp who have lied about Biden’s cognitive state.

Since the 2020 election campaign, multiple videos showed a candidate who was completely lost and at times incoherent in his statements and questions from journalists. Many even thought that a few months after Biden entered the Oval Office, the Democrats would look for a pretext to replace him, but that hypothesis never became a reality.

How has the left been able to keep Joe Biden in the White House?

Many Americans believe that it has been with the help of experimental medical treatments and often aided by doubles, that all presidents have a second or even third person who act as a decoy for security reasons in the face of credible threats of attack or assassination attempts. Almost daily, information about these threats, which comes from multiple sources, is analyzed with great rigor by different agencies and intelligence and counterintelligence services of the nation.

Looking back, Biden has not been present at many events, at others the energy is far from the real deteriorated President who stutters, says totally incoherent and meaningless sentences; has fallen on multiple occasions, does not know where to go at important events or simply remains static and stares at a point on the horizon or at the floor, as happened at a recent fundraiser in California. At this event, former President Barack Obama had to take the current tenant of the White House by the hand and lead him off the stage of the theater. Biden remained “frozen” in front of the audience for almost a minute, without making any kind of movement and with his mouth half open, very similar to the images seen in the debate when Trump was answering questions from the CNN moderators.

Without going into all the serious confusions about places, presidents of countries and erroneous and non-existent data that he has given in press conferences, Biden went so far as to speak of the southern border of the United States as if it were the Gaza Strip in the West Bank.

72% of Americans believe, just four months before the November presidential election, that Biden is mentally and physically disabled to occupy the US Presidency, much less seek re-election, according to the latest poll by the American network CBS News.

Rumours of Biden’s imminent replacement had been circulating in Washington long before the presidential debate, especially in some of the major American and foreign media outlets. Among the possible candidates, there was strong speculation about Michelle Obama and California Governor Gavin Newsom, a fact that assumed Biden’s serious mental and physical health problems.

Now other names are emerging, such as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro;

Reasons for the Democratic refusal to address Biden’s mental health

Why has it taken Democrats so long to accept what was so clear about Biden’s mental health?

First, Biden is a great friend of former President Barack Hussein Obama, the most influential figure in the Democratic Party today. Second, the left and far-left elite in the US were interested in having a person who would fully comply with all the orders he received. Many find it hard to believe that an American president in full possession of his cognitive abilities and within a democracy, would admit to signing more than 70 executive orders from his first day in a period of just over a week, in the style of the worst dictatorship in the 21st century. And that loyalty or submission has been rewarded by the Democratic Party, particularly when it comes to destroying everything Donald Trump did in his administration.

Other reasons are the tragic episodes in Joe Biden’s life, such as the death of his first wife and his young daughter in a traffic accident; then in 2015 he lost his firstborn son Beau, a war veteran, to a brain tumor. Emotionally, these events constitute mitigating factors for supporting Biden. Due to his humorous nature, despite these unfortunate events, and due to his 36 years as a senator, Biden has won the sympathy of his Party.

But right now, that sympathy has become a liability for the Democratic Party. widespread panicbecause Biden refuses to resign and many support him despite his serious limitations, not only for re-election, but also to fulfill his presidential term.

Along with the failure of its economic policies with the worst inflation in almost five decades, of admiration and foreign policy, the current administration has almost nothing to offer as sufficient reasons to win reelection. Biden has said on several occasions that the US is now the envy of the world, when in reality it is, unfortunately, the laughing stock, the mockery and the embarrassment of the world.

Many may align themselves with Biden out of empathy, hatred of Trump and conservatives, or simply out of party affiliation, but almost no one can say that Americans have a better country with Biden.

Various studies, including those by CNN, Associated Press, CBS and NBC and others by major pollsters such as Gallup, have revealed that a change of Democratic presidential candidate would obtain many fewer votes than Joe Biden in an election. So literally the left is not only against the wall, but bearing the great weight of the wall so that it does not crush them at a crucial moment.

Analysts agree that a last-minute change in the Democratic presidential nomination would be worse. If they did not do it in time, for whatever reasons they have discussed internally, it would already be too late.

The left and the far left thought, with extreme enthusiasm, that they could eliminate Trump from the political chessboard and until the constant harassment and stalking would lead him to resign under pressure from his family; ultimately Trump doesn’t need to be President To make money, on the contrary, it has cost him hundreds of millions in losses, problems due to constant political attacks from Democrats and the far left, and neglect of his personal business.

Trump advances unstoppably

And for all the above reasons and his excellent work as President (2017-2021), tens of millions of Americans believe in him, support him and see him as the key conservative figure to save the US from a globalist and anti-American agenda now promoted in Washington and in different states of the country by so-called “progressive” (socialist) groups and by the well-known “Woke” movement, founded and made up mostly of young people indoctrinated inside and outside the country with the mixture of the ideology of Cultural Marxism and other radical neoliberal tendencies.

After being found guilty of 34 charges in a controversial trial in Manhattan, which was clearly marked by political interest, Trump raised more than 200 million dollars in just 72 hours. What is most relevant is that more than 30% of the funds raised came from people who had never donated money to any political cause or to anyone linked to politics, which demonstrates the strong popular support for the former president in the face of the aims to discredit him, condemn him and eliminate him from the political scene.

In the second quarter of 2024, Trump’s campaign raised $331 million, compared to $264 million raised by Biden’s team. Following the presidential debate, Biden’s financial standing for re-election is expected to take a major hit, from which he may not recover.

Despite the president’s spending of nearly $120 million on television, cable and radio alone, polls and voter enthusiasm continue to grow in favor of President 45 Donald J. Trump.

All national surveys give a Trump’s lead over Biden is between 6% and 13% in voting intention for the November elections; even in key states such as Arizona, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania the margin of difference is devastating for the Democrats, who are playing for a much larger number of seats in both Houses of Congress than the Republicans. That is to say, if the predictions so far are fulfilled, Trump would lead the country with Republican power in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The situation for the former president is more than favorable right now.

Judge Juan Merchán, who presided over the trial against the former president for the alleged case of “hidden payments” to a porn actress, has postponed the announcement of the sentence until September 18 following the Supreme Court’s decision granting broad immunity to the 45th president of the United States, according to a court document.

The sentence, which was to be announced on July 11, has been postponed to “September 18, 2024”, and “it is still necessary”, The judge warned in a letter addressed to the tycoon’s defense and the prosecution, which suggests that the ruling could be revoked or annulled.

All the strategies drawn up against Trump have had the opposite effect to what the left and the far left expected. And, as his followers have always hoped, the doors of the White House seem to be opening more and more for the Republican leader, who has not only demonstrated iron resistance to all attacks, but also firmness, conviction and faith that true justice will finally come for him. the good of all Americans.

(email protected)

Source: The New York Times, CBS News, The Western Journal, El País and other sources.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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