From: John Puthenpurackal (currently in Australia)

NDW star Markus Mörl (“I want fun”) is out: the 63-year-old received too few fan calls on Saturday evening and has to leave the jungle camp in 2023. “Keep fighting,” he advised the remaining campers after being thrown out.

Speaking of the fight – what Markus IM Camp did not notice: There is a spat with pop titan Dieter Bohlen. Because Mörl blasphemed the DSDS juror at the campfire, chatted up an old meeting between them. Dieter allegedly accused him of having stolen Mörl’s song “Little Flashlight Burning” from him.

The pop titan now accuses Markus of lying! Bohlen told RTL that the allegations were “fictitious”. The meeting did not exist.

But how was that really? The big BILD interview with Mörl after his TV break! About planks, the TV bush and special camp moments.

Markus Mörl wanted to be king of the jungle, but in the end it wasn’t enough. He got kicked out on Saturday

Photo: RTL / Stefan Thoyah

BILD: Cross your heart. How are you?

Markus Moerl: “I was a little frustrated after the decision because I would have liked to have stayed until Sunday. But when I saw the hotel and my wife Yvonne, I was happy again. I still have to sort myself out a bit. It was an intense time, sitting around with twelve people in a small space like in an army camp. The constant hunger, the constant thirst, that was very exhausting.”

Here Markus is said goodbye by Claudia Effenberg (left) and Jolina Mennen

Here Markus is said goodbye by Claudia Effenberg (left) and Jolina Mennen

Photo: RTL

At some point your body will give up, right?

Morl: “It started on the first day, everyone had a headache. The withdrawal quickly became noticeable. I’m actually used to drinking my coffee in the morning. On the second day, when the lack of salt became clear in addition to caffeine, one was actually missing almost everything that one has enough of in normal life. I wandered around the jungle camp like counterfeit money.”

Wasn’t there anything else missing?

Morl: “Oh well. Every second word felt like pizza margherita or spaghetti bolognese. That’s what the campers missed the most. The two Italians in particular have repeatedly described how much they miss Italian food.”

With the meager food in the camp you can understand that well…

Morl: “Thank God we had a very good cook with papis. We always got great things to eat after the exams, but they only tasted good if you knew how to prepare them. You really have to improvise with a pot and a pan. But dads were really good at cooking under tougher conditions.”

You had a dummy cell phone with you to serve your cell phone addiction?

Morl: “It was a present from my dear wife for Christmas. She said I look at my cell phone all the time anyway and maybe a dummy like that would help me in the jungle. In fact, oddly enough, I didn’t miss my cell phone. Maybe I can keep that in the future.”

Markus Mörl has to move out of the jungle camp after Verena Kerth.  He got along well with all the stars

Markus Mörl has to move out of the jungle camp after Verena Kerth. He got along well with all the stars

Photo: RTL

The saddest moment in the jungle camp was certainly the memory of your deceased sister.

Morl: “Yes, that happened very quickly. She was able to walk ten days before her death, then she left us. It wasn’t a nice death. She suffered from cancer. I couldn’t really mourn after that either, the mourning only caught up with me again in the jungle. Jana had performed a spiritual ceremony with us and then said that we also have to let go of losses. It kind of clicked for me. I’m actually not the type to cry. But in this situation I could not hold back the tears. When I brought my sister to us from South Africa, we found a specialist who gave us hope. We celebrated that. But then everything happened very quickly.”

What was the funniest moment in the jungle camp?

Morl: “When a common tree frog jumped on Cosimo’s sleeping bag, he was scared to death and wailed: ‘I don’t want to die.'”

You didn’t feel like you had a problem with any candidate, not even with Tessa.

Morl: “It’s not as difficult as everyone thought it was. We even sang together. The Song ‘Little Flashlight’”.

At the camp, Markus got involved in a ceremony that brought back memories of his dead sister

At the camp, Markus got involved in a ceremony that brought back memories of his dead sister

Photo: RTL

That’s the song that Dieter Bohlen accused you of stealing from him. Incidentally, Bohlen further claimed that the meeting you described at the camp never happened and everything is “fictitious” by you.

Morl: “Well, ‘KleineFlashlight’ was already a hit at the time when Dieter Bohlen wasn’t that well known. In Germany, at most, his wife and parents knew him. He’s also a bit older now and you can’t remember everything anymore.”

So the meeting with Bohlen in his villa actually took place?

Morl: “Yes, my old record boss had the idea at the time that I should meet Dieter Bohlen to work with him. I drove with his photographer to his dentist mansion where he lived with his first wife. She used to make coffee for us when we went to his studio with all those gold records lying around. We talked, but we didn’t get along musically.”

And further: “He told me that he wants to record a full album with Thomas Anders the next day from noon to night. I found that sporty. Then Bohlen showed me his old books with the entire Billboard charts, starting from the 1920s. He searched the old charts for suitable titles like ‘Geronimo’s Cadillac’ or ‘Cherri Cherri Lady’, which had already had success in America. And then rewrote the existing lines in his not-so-good English. That was four books. After that he was hungry.”

Bohlen accuses Mörl of having made up the meeting.  Markus hangen defends himself, now gives more details

Bohlen accuses Mörl of having made up the meeting. Markus defends himself and now gives further details

Photo: Daniel Bockwoldt/dpa


mortar more about the Bohlen meeting: “He brought his wife and someone else along and then we ate at the posh Italian restaurant around the corner. When the bill came, nobody reacted and in the end I paid the bill of around 250 Deutschmarks and not the man who had maybe 250 million in his account. I understood that if you don’t spend anything, you get too much money.”

That jungle camp is now behind you. What are you most looking forward to now?

Morl: “To the dinner I’m going to take her to with my wife. There is certainly meat, although I did have the idea at the camp that I might switch to vegan and vegetarian after all.”

Reunited: Markus Mörl and his wife Yvonne König

Reunited: Markus Mörl and his wife Yvonne König

Photo: John Puthepurakal/BILD


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