Do they pay actresses to wear signature dresses at the 2024 Oscars?

During awards and red carpet season, actresses bring out their heavy artillery to appear in photo galleries of the best dressed. You hear names of important brands and designers who, in principle, would have chosen a place that was more beautiful than ever. But have they really chosen it?

The truth is that within the actresses’ outfits in the most important moments, little has been left to chance. Many of these are already brand images, so by contract (obviously, in exchange for an amount that is already on your landline, where there may also be advertisements or other types of events) must choose a look of those signatures. Sometimes the dress is imposed by the brand, in others, they have the option to choose between several designs.

In this case, The financial amounts would not be received for that specific event and could be as high as the actresses would have signed. in their advertising contracts with companies.

Ms informacin

  • Thank goodness it was the first of the night because otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to resist it, the actress remembers about the moment.

These actresses so closely related to a brand, whose image is associated with them, could even have the option of wearing a garment designed exclusively for them and for that eventsomething within the reach of very few privileged people.

Actresses without sponsorship

For those performers who do not have a contract with a specific brandGalas as high profile and important as the Oscars can be a fabulous time to make extra money by negotiating an amount to wear a garment from a specific designer.

From 50,000 to 250,000, or even more, actresses can pocket if they are offered to the highest bidder and leave aside their preferences in terms of styling. Of course, brands, when choosing models, also have their own criteria: measurements of the actress, weight, height, hair color, public image

In short, actresses, but also mannequins on one of the most special nights. An evening in which, we must not forget, These amounts can grow if they also sign with a jewelry store to show off their pieces.. And, for all the others, with luck they lend them the dress if they don’t have suitors to adorn them.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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