Doctors in NY perform the world's first eye transplant

Aaron James’ transformation is incredible and remarkable in the before and after photographs of partial face transplant surgery, and for the first time in the history of medicine, a single donor eye transplant.

The operation lasted more than 21 hours, however, the planning and virtual rehearsals of the 140 surgeons and nurses lasted months, as explained by the surgeon in charge of the operation, Dr. Eduardo Rodríguez, a Cuban-American doctor and director. from the Facial Transplant Program at NYU Langone Health.

“We had planned for all the complications that could arise, but thank God none of them occurred and the face transplant, including the eye, was precisely as we had planned,” Rodríguez said. “The connections of the blood vessels and the connections of the optic nerve, which is the main nerve coming out of and from the brain to the eye.”

Military veteran Aaron James, 46, was working installing high-voltage lines in his native Hot Springs, Arkansas, in June 2021, when he was suddenly electrocuted by one of the cables with more than 7,200 volts. According to experts, he survived by a miracle. The damage to his face, however, left him unrecognizable.

“But it couldn’t be reconstructed with the techniques that exist. And not only that, it was exposing it to some type of damage, because the damage, not only the face transplant, but the eye transplant, which is so close to the brain that it could have resulted from infections or possible death,” added Dr. Rodríguez.

“Aaron James, who survived a 7,200-volt electrical shock while working as a lineman in June 2021, recently received the world’s first full and partial face transplant at NYU Langone Health, giving him a new sense of normalcy,” wrote NYU Langone Health hospital in a message on social media.

But he not only lived to tell it, he also lived to make history.

“You know I can’t thank Dr. Rodríguez enough and everyone who performed this operation, I always knew I was in the best hands to perform something like this,” James said.

And five months after the operation, doctors have seen unprecedented positive progress in Aaron James’ ability to see out of his transplanted eye. In fact, there have been signals in the retina that detect light.

-There’s a chance.?

“I always think that there is a possibility at this moment where we are, that we have already been able to verify the vitality of the eye and we have also been able to verify and verify the vascularization of the retina, which is the main part in the back of the eye,” said the Dr. Rodriguez. “Everything seems to indicate that he may have the possibility of being seen in the future.”

Both Aaron’s wife and his daughter Allie, all the family and friends have seen their loved one’s face again and do not lose hope that he will regain sight in his left eye.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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