Dog rescues elderly woman trapped in the rubble of her house

WAJIMA.- A dog found and rescued an elderly woman trapped in a house that was destroyed by the powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake that shook central Japan on New Year’s Day, the Japanese Ministry of Defense reported this Thursday.

The animal, named Jennifer, is one of the dogs specially trained to find survivors in earthquakes.

The dogs have joined the thousands of soldiers and firefighters who continue to search for survivors of the powerful earthquake.

Our forces “had rescued 122 people as of yesterday, including an elderly woman in a house in the city of Wajima, who was found and rescued by a dog,” Defense Minister Minoru Kihara wrote on the social network X.

“Today, which is a crucial day, the number of troops will increase to approximately 4,600,” he added.

At least 84 people died in the earthquake and the aftershocks that followed and another 79 are missing, according to local authorities.

Hopes of finding more survivors are fading as the days go by.

The earthquake, which occurred on Monday, destroyed buildings and homes, caused major landslides and tsunami waves more than a meter high.

Source: With information from AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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