Don't let us down, we won't let you down

CARACAS.- “Members of the Armed Forces, the nation needs you (…) Do not fail us, we will not fail you”is the message sent by the leader of the Venezuelan opposition, Maria Corina Machadoto the Venezuelan military in the framework of the 213 years of the declaration of the Independence of Venezuela and the commemoration of the day of the National Armed Forces.

The opponent, who raised her hand to Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia Given the impossibility of participating in the presidential elections, he extended his greetings to the Venezuelan military, the support of the Nicolás Maduro regime, whom he reminded that on July 28 they will have a crucial role to play in guaranteeing “a peaceful transition to democracy”.

Twenty-three days before the realization of “what is a fact already recognized inside and outside the country,” the opposition leader assured that the military will be a “first-hand witness to the expression of a people who cry out for freedom and who see the ballot box as the peaceful, democratic and constitutional means to achieve it.”

“On July 28, we will go to cast our vote and the FAN, alongside the people, has the mission of contributing to the respect of the sovereign’s will (…) The Constitution must be its north and guide. On July 28, the change of command will be consecrated by popular vote and on January 10, 2025, the new president and commander in chief will take office. We are convinced that our military will guarantee a legitimate and orderly transition.“, Machado said.

Institutionalization of the FAN

The leader of the Venezuelan opposition, who has traveled the country promoting the candidacy of the democratic opposition, represented by Edmundo González, asked the military for confidence, to whom she promised a “Brilliant Future”where “they will reach their positions without obstacles or generational barriers based on cronyism.”

Unlike the Chavista “narrative” that sells the opposition as enemies of the FAN, Machado stressed that they are “allies to redirect the institutionality that the nation demands so much.” He also promised them the professionalization and technological specialization of the institution, updating of the study plans, “away from ideological and partisan schemes”and promotions based on professional merit.

Maria Corina Machado asks for trust

“The FAN will be one of the key players in the transformations required by the democratic society that is coming (…) In the new Venezuela, it will be essential for the military institution to assume without delay the integral defense of the territory and of the popular sovereignty expressed in the vote,” he said.

He also asked them to confront current threats to the State, including the presence of irregular armed groups involved in drug trafficking, the illegal exploitation of natural resources and the presence of “malignant transcontinental agents” operating in Venezuelan territory.

“With the soul of someone who has traveled the country from the cities to the smallest towns and who has had to live through suffering and also express the hope, determination and courage of my compatriots, I invite you to participate with determination and confidence in this imminent future.“Do not fail us; we will not fail you,” he emphasized.

Source: With information from social networks

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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