Don’t you like yourself when you look in the mirror?

If your skin is increasingly dry and dull, the problem is that you forget to use these essential products to counteract the onset of wrinkles

Every morning it’s always the same story. We are taken by a thousand daily tasks and often we overlook ourselves and the care of our body. Between work and various commitments, most of us hardly manages to leave the house from early morning with flawless makeup and perfectly coiffed hair.

In this situation, however, what loses us the most is our skin. The smog present in our cities, in fact, has devastating effects on the health of our skinnot only internally, but also externally.

Basically, the microparticles present in the air attack the skincausing her all sorts of problems. One of the main ones is the drynessnot to mention the worst, namely thepremature ageingthen the appearance of wrinkles.

Let’s also not forget that smog can produce on the skin too ugly dark spots and dyschromiasmaking it dull and dull. In short, to avoid these problems (and look old before your time), you need to take care of your face every day. How? Let’s find out right away what is the step that should never be missed in our skincare.

Don’t like yourself when you look in the mirror because your face looks older than you are? Protect yourself immediately with serums and masks

Just wipe a simple make-up remover wipe over your face to notice how much dirt gets stuck on our skin every day. Smog particlesin fact, no they clog poresending with prevent its natural oxygenation.

First of all, to avoid this dynamic, we should remember to knock down every morning on our face an anti-pollution cream. Indeed, this is fundamental to create a protective film on the skinideal against these harmful external agents.

Furthermore, we should also remember to use the right cream with high sun protection, which is also useful in case of scars or marks on the skin.

The cream is essential to create a protective film on the

The cream is essential to create a protective film on the

A very important phase for the skin

To take care of your skin, there are some rules to follow, few but fundamental to prevent the signs of aging and physiological decay.

Getting rid of make-up is very important and it can also be done with natural, very simple products that are very good for our skin, but that’s not all.

Another essential product for the skin is carry out a peeling or a mask regularly, opacifier for oily skin e moisturizing for dry ones. If you don’t like yourself when you look in the mirror, you probably need to do more skincare, and these are great products to get you started.

Another fundamental product is the

Another fundamental product is the

Alternatively, a great product to regenerate your skin it’s the scrub. The microgranules present in it, if massaged on the face, they will eliminate dead cells more superficial, stimulating the regeneration of new ones. In this way our skin will appear more beautiful and fresh and we will certainly have a brighter and more relaxed face.

A treatment that works during the night

To conclude the evening skincare, we should apply a serum on our face, which can vary according to the needs of our skin. One of the best is definitely that to hyaluronic acida real panacea for the skin, which deeply hydratesdelaying the appearance of wrinkles.


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