Ecuador targets three ships as prisons to mitigate violence

QUITO.- In an effort to address the persistent problem of prison violence, the president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboaannounced this Wednesday that it is considering three ships located in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States to implement an innovative prison solution.

During his first interview since his inauguration on November 23, Noboa highlighted that the initiative seeks to reduce violence in the prison system, noting that these ships would be used as temporary prisons to separate the most dangerous inmates from their criminal networks.

Although the president did not specify operational details or a specific timeline for the arrival of the “prison barges” to Ecuador, he indicated that the process could take up to eight months. He stressed that this provisional measure aims to isolate those inmates who represent genuine threats to citizen security, until new maximum security facilities are completed.

New prisons

Noboa also revealed that he is exploring the possibility of designing new prisons with the cooperation of Israeli experts, although he did not provide specific details about the planning of these facilities.

When addressing the question about “mega prisons” in the style of El Salvador, the Ecuadorian president stated that, for the moment, he is following the design model of maximum and super maximum security prisons with the advice of the same company and designers who collaborated on the Salvadoran system. He clarified that this methodology is not exclusive to El Salvador, but has successful precedents in Mexico, Thailand and Singapore.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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