Claudia Sheinbaum, leftist regime sympathizer, takes control of Mexico

MEXICO CITY.- In the midst of growing diplomatic tension between Mexico and Ecuador, Claudia Sheinbaumnewly elected president of Mexico, ruled out any possibility of direct dialogue with Ecuador after Ecuadorian forces stormed the Mexican embassy in Quito.

“What Ecuador has done with Mexico is not a minor matter, therefore, it is not a matter of simply sitting down to talk,” Sheinbaum said in a press conference, reiterating the demands included in the Mexican plea presented at the end of April. before the highest court of the UN.

The incident, which took place last April, marked a critical point in bilateral relations between both countries, leading Mexico to break diplomatic relations and withdraw all its staff from the Ecuadorian embassy. The escalation culminated in the presentation of legal arguments before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) by both nations.

Mexico demands a public apology from Ecuador, along with recognition of the right to international asylum, while Ecuador responded by accusing Mexico of abuse of its diplomatic privileges.

“They have to take the step, the public apology, what the lawsuit is asking for, and also the recognition of the right to asylum,” Sheinbaum added.

The conflict arose when Jorge Glas, former vice president of Ecuador and political figure sheltered in the Mexican embassy, ​​was arrested by Ecuadorian forces on accusations of corruption. This incident has tested fundamental principles of international law and raised concerns about the protection of asylum rights in the global context.

“Ecuador carried out a violent attack on the Mexican embassy, ​​(…) the expulsion of the United Nations from Ecuador is being requested so that there is no repetition because it was extremely serious,” the president-elect stressed.

Sheinbaum concluded the conference by reiterating Mexico’s commitment to respect for international law and diplomatic sovereignty, as both countries continue to await a final resolution from the ICJ.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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