European elections, live: the political news in Spain and the latest news on the Amnesty Law

The PSC deplores the “fascination” for Milei in the PP: “His ideas go against the Constitution”

The PSC candidate for the European Parliament Javi López has deplored the “fascination” of PP leaders such as the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, by the figure of the Argentine president, Javier Mileiwhose ideas, as he has denounced, are “contrary to the Spanish Constitution.”

In an interview with EFE, López has pointed out that the winks to Milei by Ayuso or the former Madrid president Esperanza Aguirre “are symptomatic of a drift from the traditional European center-right towards reactionary positions, inappropriate to the historical function it had in Europe”.

“There is a part of the Madrid right that has a certain fascination with what Milei says and does”remarked López, who has criticized the sympathy towards the Argentine president’s ideas on the part of “people who act day and night always in the name of the Constitution”despite the fact that its postulates are “contrary to the European model” and the Magna Carta.

López has denounced that The traditional right “has resigned from its historical role” by approaching the extreme right and has warned of the risk thatafter the June 9 elections, “a permanent strategic alliance is built between the right and the extreme right, which would poison the European project”.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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