Émilie Bernier O’Donnell was the first to present her project to investors at Who wants to be my partner? Detective Box piqued the interest of four of them, a result she hadn’t expected and which left her with an extremely difficult choice.

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The third season of Who wants to be my partner? started this Wednesday, January 4, 2023 on M6. It was Émilie Bernier O’Donnell, who was the first to confront investors. She introduced them DetectiveBox, an immersive investigation game in the form of a subscription. The entrepreneur told us that her company was already doing well before she participated in the program. “We validated a very good success before the visibility of the show. After that it will be a bonus. Somehow, it was important to say that the box took off before”, she congratulated herself.

Who wants to be my partner? : Émilie Bernier O’Donnell (Detective Box) had a hard time making her choice

The candidate has won over four investors with her project. Delphine André and Isabèle Chevalier first positioned themselves, before being joined by Anthony Bourbon on the same deal. But Eric Larchevêque did not hide his interest in Detective Box either and made a solo proposal to the young woman. However, Émilie Bernier O’Donnell did not think that her idea would appeal to business angels as much. “The mental exercise was really not to expect anything. All that comes in addition is a bonus. I did not expect at all to have so many proposals, so many investors who position. It was a nice surprise and somehow it validates the foundation of the project”, she rejoiced. The moment of choice was not at all easy for the business manager, who faced a difficult decision. For example, it had difficulty refusing the proposal of one of the investors in particular. “It was complicated, because I had lots of different offers which were very interesting. I had to decide a bit on the job. I know it is a great privilege to be able to associate with Eric Lerchevêque. Saying no to Eric Larchevêque was very hard mentally”, she regretted.

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“VSIt was important to me to include women in this position”

Émilie Bernier O’Donnell was particularly betting on one of the investors. “I admit that I had come back to the idea of ​​working with Anthony Bourbon. I was able to get him on this deal, it was the right opportunity”, she revealed to us. However, she was not ready to bring him into her capital at all costs. “Anthony’s offer was much less attractive. There was at least 3 percentage points of difference in my memory. 3% when you build your box and you see far, you tell yourself that it can become a lot of money. It can tip the scales. Even if I wanted to go with Anthony, a good deal is a good deal.” she observes. Émilie Bernier O’Donnell is delighted, however, that two women are likely to join her board. “I have six core investors before the show. These six investors are all men. Before doing the show, I must have talked to a hundred investors. I couldn’t talk to a single woman. Zero! That’s not an exaggeration. Being a female entrepreneur, it was important to me to include women in this position, just to balance things out a bit.” she notes.

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