Exclusive preview of Ricardo Fort’s documentary: the controversial relationship with his father

After the first trailer was shown, now new previews of Commander Fort, the documentary series about the life of the media millionaire and that will premiere on January 25 on the Star + platform. On this occasion, a video appeared in which the voice of Richard while the camera shows different assembly lines of the Felfort factory, such as a subjective one on how the famous chocolate is packaged Two hearts.

“When I was a boy I would go to the factory and I would walk through the sectors of chocolates, of wrapped ones, of chocolates. And I spent all my time playing, for me it was a game to be in the factory with the smell of chocolate. There was a huge pool, full of millions of Jack dolls and I would jump in to swim”, says Fort. Then he hears his brother’s voice Eduardowho brings to the story the contrast between his father Philip Fort and his eccentric brother.

“The big problem between Ricardo and my dad was that Ricardo didn’t like to work. And that drove my dad crazy”, says Eduardo. And the voice of Commander to complete the idea: “My father was a very upright person. Very much that if I wanted to have things, he had to earn them by working. By working in the factory, of course: the only way he thought he could live. He didn’t believe in me as an artist or as a theatrical manager, or a singer, or anything like that. For this reason, when he passed away, for me he was a rebirth of the person I always wanted to be, the artist ”.

Ricardo Fort with a blonde wig. According to Eduardo in the documentary El Comandante Fort, his brother used to dress up “as Raffaella Carrà and they did a show with my mom.”

“At one point Ricky started not wanting to come to the factory anymore. He preferred to accompany my mother to see fashion shows, to the hairdresser’s… He was a close friend of my mother, he stayed with her. He liked to dress up Raffaella Carrà and they sang together, they put on a very fun show”, says Eduardo.

And again, Ricardo’s voice appears to deepen the bond with his father and brings to mind a strong dialogue. “Once I argued with my old lady and my old man asked me what was wrong with me. And I told him: ‘I’m dating a man, I like him, I’m fine, I’m happy, I’m not asking you to understand. I ask you to respect it’. He told me: ‘I don’t understand him, he disgusts me. But I respect you’. He so he told me. He has even told me that he would rather have a drug addict son than a homosexual son. And he had both of them.” Ricardo closes harshly.

In the other preview that was released, they appear Martha Y Philip Fortthe millionaire’s twin sons, who read the beginning of Ricardo’s private diary on camera.

Marta and Felipe read Ricardo Fort’s diary

“I will start by saying that I was born on November 5, 1968 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in one of the best kinds of family that I could have chosen,” Felipe read. “Or the worst, that of the rich. My father is good at being successful, conservative, who only dedicated himself to working in his factory, ”Marta completed next to him. “My mother, a very beautiful woman, with a strong character and an overwhelming energy that she displayed every time she went somewhere. This is how my story begins”, the young man closes again and the brothers look towards the camera.

“I always dreamed as a boy and thought that my life was going to be like this: I was going to be very successful and suddenly I was going to die. Then they were going to make a movie of my life and the whole story of my life”. As if he were an oracle to himself, the voice and phrase of Ricardo Fort is the first thing that is heard in the first preview that had been released from Commander Fort.

His children also appear in that same trailer, who give testimony to build this story around the life of Felfort’s heir and also integrate the production of this production. “I don’t know if he was a good father or not, but he was mine and I miss him,” he says. Philip.

A look at the Felfort factory present in the series El Comandante Fort
A look at the Felfort factory present in the series El Comandante Fort

“Lately I think about my dad all the time. When I think of him, I try to understand what it was like to feel different at that time, ”says Marta, for her part. Another of the voices that make up this preview is that of Gustavo Martinezwho was the legal guardian of the twins since he died Richard until they turned 18 and passed away almost a year ago after falling from a 21st floor.

“When they were born, he said: ‘Papa Gustavo and Papa Ricardo.’ And I said: ‘Papa Gustavo’, no. Dad there is only one and it is Ricardo ”, said Martínez to define the link.

“People generally don’t like millionaires. But they loved dad,” he says. Philip in another section of the trailer, wanting to understand the devotion that Ricardo generates in the street despite what he represented. “I learned from my dad that you have to overcome difficulties. There are no excuses,” he says. Martha when thinking about what inspires you Fort.

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