The commotion continues in the region, after the discovery of a woman killed with two shots this sunday morning in Villa Garibaldi. As reported He works hard to identify her. since he did not have any documentation among his belongings.

The body, according to official sources to this outlet, was found at 1 and 658, on the side of the street, in an area known as “the path of flames”, due to the presence of a farm for these animals in the place. Witnesses notified the authorities through a call to 911 and members of the Patrol Command went to the scene to corroborate the complaint.

According to the spokesmen, with the naked eye the victim He had a bullet impact in the skull (possibly made with a shotgun) and another at the height of the thorax (with a 9 mm). Furthermore, it was reported that she was dressed and had no ties of any kind on her wrists and ankles. Faced with this situation, UFI No. 7 of the Judicial Department of La Plata was notified of the discovery and the collaboration of the Scientific Police personnel was requested to deploy a perimeter and begin carrying out the expertise.

The researchers seek to establish if there was any complaint to find out the whereabouts that fell on the woman and also, if the crime was committed there or if the body was transferred from another place. On the other hand, the prosecutor Virginia Bravo ordered an autopsy to establish if the remains show more lesions.

The testimony of witnesses and the relay of security cameras that are close to the point -it should be noted that it is a wasteland- will be vital to reconstruct this puzzle.


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