Five years have passed since the death of actor Yamil Khaled

Five years after his unexpected and early death, the renowned Cuban actor Yamil Khaled He remains in the memory of his audience, friends and colleagues, of all those who admired and valued his talent.

Well remembered for his excellent performance in 2001 of the famous Cuban pimp Alberto Yarini Ponce de León, in the television version of the play. Requiem for Yarini, Khaled died in Miami on November 6, 2018four days before turning 42, due to cardiorespiratory arrest.

The news shocked friends, colleagues and thousands of Cubans who followed his career, inside and outside the country.

On this fifth anniversary of his death, on social networks the memory of the popular and talented artist remains alive.

Facebook Capture/Reynold Jaled

His father, Reynold Jaled wrote: “Yamil Jaled Hernández EPD Five years without you, but always with us. Your audience (…). Son: Always with us”, along with a video that summarizes part of his acting career.

The website of Cuban actors published a emotional review in which he remembers the “exceptional actor who continues to be present today through his characters. “His brilliant career and his passion for acting continue to inspire many generations of artists.”

Capture of Facebook/cubaactors

Khaled was “an unforgettable Cuban actor, an artist who captivated audiences with his charisma,” the text highlighted. “His contribution to Cuban theater and television continues to be a source of inspiration and a testament to his passion for the art.

In their social networksCubaactores posted a video that includes scenes from several of Jaled’s acting works and important moments from his personal life.

From the profile Telenovelas in Cubathey wrote: “Today marks 5 years since your departure into eternity, at an age when you still had a lot to give.”

Capture of Facebook/Telenovelas in Cuba

“From Memories of a grandfathergoing by Requiem for Yarini, forbidden destination, Sentence o After the trace, your talent was amply demonstrated. That is why you will always have your well-earned place among unforgettable Cuban actors. Rest in peace Yamil Khaled,” the post noted.

Khaled was born on November 10, 1976 and From an early age he showed interest in the performing arts. He graduated in acting from the Higher Institute of Art (ISA) in Havana in 1997. Later, he joined the Rita Montaner theater group, where he remained until he made the leap to television, a medium in which he stood out in the 90s and early 2000s.

His talent began to stand out in police serials such as After the trace y Day and nightin soap operas like forbidden destination y Violets for momin addition to film productions.

In 2008, Yamil left Cuba for the United States to join his wife, the Cuban-American Maité Elizalde. Since then he resided in the city of Miami, where he gave interviews for popular local channels.

On November 6, 2018, Jaled suffered cardiorespiratory arrest and was rushed to Palmetto General Hospital in Hialeah, where he died at just 41 years old.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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