If you book early enough and fly on the right day, you can save a lot of money. We show what really needs to be considered when traveling by air.

Anyone who books their holiday online has probably heard of dynamic prices. Because airlines and travel provider use all sorts of data to calculate their prices. The aim of the company is to estimate the purchasing power of the customers as well as possible and to make the highest possible profit. At the same time, they want to be able to keep up with the prices of the competition.

To do this, they use different information. For example, an algorithm can evaluate competitor prices, the expected occupancy of the flight and the available seats. Companies could also use customer metadata to display individual prices. Then it plays a role, for example, which end device someone is using flight tickets around – is it the latest iPhone or an old Android device? Is the user in a affluent city or a poorer region? What time of day and time is he looking for flights?

Vacation: find cheap flights in incognito mode

How decisive these factors really are, however, is disputed. A study by the Federal Ministry of Justice from 2021 had extensive prices in the Ecommerce evaluated. The result: Personalized prices are not a problem in Germany. Since May 2022, the law has also required online shops to indicate if their prices change due to the use of personal data. They sway Prices for all potential customers equally, dealers do not have to mark this. So what is really important to consider?

Of course, you can still search for cheap flights in incognito mode or with an old Android phone. There is no harm in deleting the cookies frequently. But more important is the demand to be able to assess well. For this you should watch the prices for a while, because only those who know what an item is worth can get a bargain.

Travel: When are flights really the cheapest?

The consumer center also advises different comparison portals to use and to compare with the prices directly at the airline. Because here the prices for flights often vary significantly. It’s also worth booking early. If you want to leave at short notice, you often pay extra. But be careful: Always keep an eye on the cancellation conditions.

If you can, you should also fly during the week. Anyone who flies on Thursday or Friday often saves significantly. Also the return flight on Monday instead of on the weekend is usually cheaper. But you shouldn’t book during business hours, because many business customers book here, which can drive up prices in the short term.

After all, it also depends on the holiday periods and the associated demand. Ideally, you should book your holiday when it is not the summer holidays, i.e. in spring or autumn. This is of course difficult for families with children. But what is possible: Check the prices for flights in the neighboring federal states where there are no holidays yet. Sometimes it is worth traveling to an airport that is further away. If possible, you should also choose flight days during the week. This is usually cheaper than flying at the weekend. (lro)

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