The second national airline, Tassili Airlines has just launched a new service for the benefit of these travelers departing from France. Indeed, it is the online payment service. And this, in accordance with the new international IATA Pay system.

A novelty that will allow travelers departing from France to reduce travel time to the various points of sale of the company to obtain a travel ticket. Moreover, the implementation of this E-payment system is not the only novelty of the company.

Tassili Airlines plans to open two new lines from Algiers and Constantine

The site specializing in aviation and the air sector, Aéroroute, has unveiled news about Tassili Airlines’ air program. Indeed, this site announced the upcoming launch of two new routes from Algeria to France.

Indeed, according to this site, Tassili Airlines plans, from March 16, 2023, to operate two flights per week between Algiers airport and Mulhouse airport in France. The company will provide this link with a Boeing 737-800. Namely, every Monday and Thursday at 10:15 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. respectively. Return flights will also be provided on the same days at 1:25 p.m., according to Aéroroute.

Tassili Airlines also plans to launch another airline from Constantine to Mulhouse. The latter will be inaugurated on March 18, 2023. And this at the rate of one flight per week, every Saturday at 9:10 a.m. According to the same source, return flights will also be provided on Saturday at 12:35 p.m.

With the opening of these two new airlines, Tassili Airlines will have four destinations in France in its program. This air carrier will compete alone with Air Algérie on these two new routes.


>> Summer 2023 flights: what are the ticket prices at Air Algérie?

>> Air Algérie: flights to France risk disruptions

>> France-Algeria flights: Tassili Airlines launches electronic payment


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