On BFMTV-RMC this Friday, the government spokesperson explained and justified the “fed up” expressed the day before by the President of the Republic in front of the bakers with regard to toll-free numbers.

They are the unexpected target of the January re-entry of the executive: the toll-free numbers. Thursday, addressing the Elysée to representatives of bakers, Emmanuel Macron said his “fed up with green numbers in all directions”, assuring that he had just been told a channel “which does not work”.

Gasworks, then, these numbers supposed to inform the public encountering difficulties? Guest of Face to face from BFMTV-RMC this Friday morning, Olivier Véran, government spokesperson, qualified his response, while bringing water to the presidential mill.

“Good and bad” green number

“There is the right toll-free number, and the wrong toll-free number,” he introduced. Recalling that there were “important” toll-free numbers, he cited as an example: “The one for suicide prevention, I’m proud of it. I invite you to see the associations, the volunteers. There are thousands of calls a day and it saves lives”.

“But it can’t be for the balance of all accounts”, urged the one who is also Minister Delegate for Democratic Renewal before affirming: “Probably the reflex of the toll-free number is a reflex that we must lose. We is sometimes mocked for it.”

A joke that he maintained with a personal anecdote: “For the joke, when I was Minister of Health, I had my chief of staff who had a table with a decision tree according to the problems that the French may encounter, referring to green numbers”.

another logic

If the toll-free numbers are not going to completely disappear, the ministers and the administration are therefore called upon by the Head of State to adopt another logic.

Olivier Véran detailed it:

“The President of the Republic asks us and expects all of us not to think the average but to put ourselves at human height. He told us so in the Council of Ministers this week. He said: ‘We cannot to think about the problems of the French by putting ourselves in the costume of minister or head of administration, we must think about them by putting ourselves in the place of the French”.

Emmanuel Macron must express his wishes this Friday to health personnel. Obviously, no toll-free number will appear among its announcements intended for this sector, which is also in distress.

Robin Verner BFMTV journalist


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