Frankie Muniz, from Malcolm in the Middle, surprises with his hair transplant

The dysfunctional family model as the cornerstone of a comic script was not invented Malcolm in the Middlebut it was very close. That FOX series, which was broadcast from 2000 to 2006, came to Spanish televisions thanks to Antena 3; It was somewhat surreal that families as different as the Alcntara of count me and young Malcolm’s were just a touch of the remote control away.

It was that boy played by Frankie Muniz who touched the hearts of the viewers by turning the drama of your home into a comic and endearing sitcom.


‘Malcolm in the middle’Internet

Some time later, the protagonists of that series look different. Probably the biggest change has been experienced by Muniz; but not because of an inexplicable transformation in his face, which remains eerily similar, but because the evolution of her hair since the series ended until this part. He recognizes that time has taken its toll on him, but he has put band-aids on the clock with a hair transplant which has made him go from being completely shaved at the beginning of the year to sporting a solid hairstyle at the end of the same year.

Thanks for changing my life!

The truth is the complex he suffers from his alopecia It increased terribly with every hair I lost. Until she couldn’t take it anymore. The actor himself acknowledged at the beginning of the summer of 2020 that two decades had not passed in vain through his scalp: In 2002 I was nominated for a Golden Globe, in 2020 I am sitting here looking in the mirror at my bald head.

Then Muniz wanted to remedy that feeling, that discomfort from constantly hearing how the passage of time knocked on his door and stole his rug. In 2022 he started treatment and, shaved, his appearance has changed radically.. Such is the result of the process that he has not hesitated to expose through Instagram the happiness he is going through for what, he considers, has changed his life.

And what better date to give thanks than on a day that carries the effect of the verb for a name. Obviously I am very grateful for many things this Thanksgiving, but I am more than grateful to hairclub for literally changing my life! I am much more confident in all the things I do because I am less conscious of my thin hair, write before cutting off the suffering of your complex: I can’t believe it’s been so long without this.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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