Sunday morning is probably the most serene time of the week. The rest of the families practically leaves the streets empty.

Just after noon, the urban dynamics experiences some movement peaks in specific sectors of the Region.

But in most neighborhoods everything continues at half speed with neighbors leaving their houses only to buy some essential ingredient for lunch or to visit a relative.

That is why in a bakery located in the Plaza Malvinas area they never imagined the dramatic situation that an employee of the firm would experience, who became the prey of a thief stripped of all kinds of scruples and inhibitory restraints.

As this newspaper was able to find out, an employee of a bakery located in the area of ​​19 and 56 denounced having been assaulted and abused by a hooded criminal, who posed as a customer and entered the business where there were no customers.

As usually happens in cases where thieves pose as occasional buyers, before launching the attack, the thief carefully observed every detail of the place in order to detect possible exit routes and the location of security cameras or other security measures.

The time it took to analyze these variables also allowed him to further confirm that there were no other people in the premises. Once he made sure that the conditions were met, the person involved made the request.

When the young woman turned around to begin loading the merchandise into a paper bag, the intruder extracted a weapon from her clothes and revealed to the employee what was the real reason for her entry.

“This is an assault”, was the second letter of introduction of the delinquent. From one moment to the next, the subject who had entered the premises with a friendly and cordial attitude ended up becoming the worst nightmare for this worker.

Not only because of the assault, but also because the thug would end up giving free rein to his baser instincts.

The thief, after demanding the money from the collection and the cell phone, went to the other side of the counter and, showing him a knife, ordered him to remain motionless and silent.

Seeing that the subject was advancing towards her and that there was nothing left to steal other than the merchandise, the young woman asked him to leave the premises. Far from listening to the girl’s pleas, the suspect reiterated her threat, although this time he was more explicit.

A horrible moment was lived in the bakery at 19 and 56 / Roberto Acosta

Specifically, the individual told her that he would stab her in the neck with the knife she was holding if she didn’t stay still and keep quiet.

Not satisfied with the warning, the individual raised the level of terror and fear by resting the knife on his neck as a sign that he was willing to do anything to fulfill his claims. Even slit his jugular.

With the knife located a few centimeters from the carotid artery, the young woman had no choice but to comply with the thief’s demand. After that, the cruelest moment came.

Demonstrating total disregard for human life, the subject slid his hand over the young woman’s body. According to the sources consulted, “it was not a search, but there was a clear manifestation of lust against the will of the victim, typical of a pervert.”

After groping the girl, the subject left the scene with the collection and a phone. A lock operation was immediately activated to find the abuser, but it was unsuccessful.

Meanwhile, the analysis of the images captured by the security cameras in the area continues.

The robbery and abuse against this young woman was not the only episode of insecurity that occurred in the last few hours in this sector of the founding hull.

A dietetician and a gastronomic store dedicated to the sale of chipá that are located on the same block became targets of the modality that, along with motorcycle attacks, tops the list of crimes in the Region: escruches.

According to Cintia, owner of the dietetics, last Saturday morning a subject entered her premises after forcing the metal shutter of her business and the entrance door.

In addition to seizing the cash that was in the box, he ripped a television from the wall and fled carrying the device. As he was able to verify hours later through the footage he obtained, the individual went to the corner and put the loot in a garbage container.

Later he left and after five minutes an unusual situation occurred. A taxi stopped at the height of the container and a subject got out of it: it was the thief who had returned to look for the loot. “In the video you can’t see the disc number. For me, the taxi driver was also involved in the robbery,” said the woman.

Hours later, the business dedicated to the sale of chipá suffered a real blow due to the theft of an electric coffee maker.

“From where you look at it, it is a loss. Not only because I’m going to have to take care of a machine that I had on loan, but also because I didn’t have insurance. To this you have to add the lost profits since now I can’t sell either”, said Pedro, the owner.

As he explained, as happened in the dietetics, the thief who entered forced the blind and the door. “What strikes me is that he went directly to the machine. It is a device that weighs about 40 kilos. One person can safely take it with you, but I don’t think you can carry it for several blocks. I am sure that at least he took it in a car, ”he conjectured.

In this regard, residents of the area expressed the deep concern they feel not only for the wave of robberies but also for the lack of action by the Police and the Municipality.

“For several months we have been told that they are waiting for the tender for the purchase of a police booth to be closed since the idea is to put cash overnight. Meanwhile, nothing is done. We have already done everything on our part. We have installed a camera system on the block and a neighborhood alarm. We can’t do more. We urgently need solutions,” claimed Verónica, a neighbor.


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