The mayor of La Plata, Julio Garroannounced the formal opening of the Biopark, with an educational proposal that will include school visits to the property that once housed the historic local Zoo. “The concept of a zoo no longer exists, what exists is to prioritize our planet and everything that surrounds it”highlighted the communal chief within the framework of the announcement.

The proposal is in line with the sustained work carried out by the Commune over the last few years to finalize the conversion of the property and includes an educational circuit that will serve as a space to reinforce the importance of the reinsertion of species in their habitat. natural.

“We open the cages and relocate more than 100 animals in suitable places for their readaptation to the environment they belong to”stressed Garro in the framework of the expected announcement and clarified that the quality of life of those who could not be released was also improved “either because they would not survive a transfer or because they were raised for many years in captivity.”

“Now we open the doors so that the kids in our schools can meet him and learn more about nature and the preservation of the planet,” added the president and emphasized: “The transformation of the Biopark is a paradigm shift with the commitment to prioritize animal care”.

Meanwhile, according to the local authorities, the “Biopark Explorers” program will invite students from the city’s primary schools to tour the place coordinated by specialized guides and interested institutions may register through the site


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