You are currently viewing Get to know Inma Cuesta: her age, her current partner, her two children and her role as a singer

Valencian actress

Inma Cuesta She has a brilliant career as an actress behind her and at 43 years old she can boast of accumulating success after success. Faced with the media showcase to which she is constantly exposed as a professional, she has chosen to Be very discreet with your private life. This is everything that is known about her partner, her daughter and the baby she and her girlfriend had in May.

Inma Cuesta (43) You don’t need a business card. It started in the cinema in the movie Coffee alone or with them (2006) and after this she has managed to establish herself as one of the most sought-after actresses in the country. Several Goya nominations and two-time winner of a Feroz award.

Almost 20 years after its beginnings, the Valencian joins Luis Tosar for the film All the names of God.

Behind a professional career full of projects, awards and recognitions lies a personal facet that Inma has always tried to leave in the background.

His profile as a singer

We all know Inma Cuesta as an actress, but few know that she also has a singing side.

She has been singing since she was a child, but has never thought about directing her career towards music. “If she has to play a character that she has to sing, I do it with a thousand loves and I give myself completely. But, no, I’m not even considering recording an album. They are big words. It requires preparation that you may not have. I see it very complicated. I don’t know, maybe in the future,” the actress, who has shown her talents as a singer on numerous occasions, said in that same interview.

Cinema has known how to exploit this talent and one of the directors who has done it the most was Paula Ortiz in the film Girlfriend. Who hasn’t been moved listening I will hum it sung with your voice?

But not only cinema has made Inma Cuesta sing, but also television. In Late Motivsurprised by interpreting Return Returnand we have also heard her sing Think of me by Luz Casal either With you by Joaquín Sabina. If you ask her how she defines herself, she is clear. “I am an actress who sings”.

His beginnings in the theater

Before being Margarita in the TVE series. Inma Cuesta was Maria in the musical Today I can not get up. (2005-2009). Nacho Cano gave her the opportunity by choosing her from more than 2,000 applicants to star in the show. “When I met him, I told him: ‘I think you’re looking for me’. And it was Nacho Cano! I would think: ‘And who is this little girl?'” the actress saidwho appeared for this role at the age of 23.

Four years later, when he was already successful on television, he worked on the musical Ay Carmela!withJavier Gutiérrez and Marta Ribera. She lasted a year and wouldn’t mind repeating the experience.

“If I have the opportunity, I will do it again with another project of these characteristics. I love music and I have great respect and admiration for all the professionals who dedicate themselves to this specialty. I think it’s as difficult or more difficult than acting“, he said in an interview in 2014.

Who is Inma Cuesta’s partner?

There are no details about the identity and/or profession of Inma Cuesta’s partner. Although there is no doubt that they have a very stable relationship, the actress has never revealed information about her girl’s private life. In early 2023, Voxpopuli published that his name was angels and she was an actress like her.

Works as a screenwriter and film and television producer. She even teaches classes in this specialty and has given talks on the visibility of women in cinema.

He did speak about her in May 2021, when at the Alicante Festival he dedicated some emotional words to her when collecting the award for his career and career. “To my love for being the best adventure companion”he wrote on his social networks.

The only time we have been able to see the face of Inma Cuesta’s girlfriend was in the summer of 2020, when the paparazzi photographed them enjoying the beaches of Cádiz.

I have always experienced the subject naturally, both myself and my circle. I have always felt supported. There will always be homophobic people, but I don’t take them into account,” she said in January 2022 in an interview in La Vanguardia about his criticism of the group’s haters.

Inma’s daughter and her girlfriend

The relationship between Inma Cuesta and her girlfriend is more than consolidated because they are mothers of a girl of about three years old. In an interview with the magazine HelloInma Cuesta was full of praise when talking about her girl. “We have formed a beautiful family and we are very happy,” he said when talking about his partner and daughter.

After becoming a mother, the actress confessed that she had discovered “an absolutely unconditional, wonderful love” of which he highlighted the importance of “learning and unlearning many things that, sometimes, you forget when you are an adult.”

During the first pregnancy it was her partner who was pregnant through a treatment of in vitro fertilizationas reported ABC.

Inma Cuesta’s second son

On January 1, 2023, the actress shared on her networks that she and her girlfriend were expecting a second child. “2023 The family grows ? Never has a beginning of the year been more full of love and happiness!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!”, wrote the protagonist of The sleeping voicewho posted a profile photo in which he saw syour incipient belly pregnant

In mid-May, several media outlets published that the actress she had already given birth to her babyalthough neither the name nor the sex of the little one has been revealed.

She uploaded a post to Instagram with the phrase ‘You are the love of all my lives’ and many related concepts, believing it was a message to their son.

Several months have passed and Inma still has not spoken on the subject.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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