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In the past, Aurora Ramazzotti spoke openly and honestly about the postpartum period and the vulnerable time in a newborn mother’s life. In a new interview she chatted about baby number 2.

If you believe the Instagram bubble, you might almost think that the time after you give birth to a baby is nothing but nice and relaxing. The sleeping newborn lies in the cradle, slumbers gently in the cot or drinks blissfully from mom’s breast. The new parents are floating on a soft, fluffy cloud of unconditional love and could burst with happiness. Jain. Because: As magical and beautiful as this time CAN be, this illusion also ensures that a new mom is completely shocked when things don’t go quite that way.

Aurora Ramazzotti on the postpartum period: “It was a big shock”

Aurora Ramazzotti, 26, has been mother to little Cesare for almost six months, whom she is raising with her partner Goffredo Cerza, 27. And when it comes to motherhood, the daughter of TV presenter Michelle Hunziker, 46, and cuddly singer Eros Ramazzotti, 59, speaks plainly. She strongly criticizes the pressure that society places on mothers today. In an interview with “Bild”, Aurora talks about being a mother and her great happiness, but also about the dark side of motherhood.

Because not only a baby is born on the day of delivery, but also a mother. So it’s no wonder that you have to get used to this new role, which often doesn’t work straight away. Aurora also knows this feeling and therefore “found being a mother a bit strange at first”. And in addition to the weekly flow and hormonal drops, you can’t just shine all the time – quite the opposite. “I had a hormone drop when I got home from the hospital. It was a big shock,” Aurora told the publication. She further explained the new situation: “Because suddenly you’re on your own. That was really hard. There was one day when I cried the whole time and didn’t know why.” Baby blues, postpartum depression are important topics that should be talked about much more openly, so that new mothers like Aurora Ramazzotti know that they are not alone with their (negative) feelings.

“I felt very lonely at times at the beginning.”

Many new mothers can certainly relate to Aurora Ramazzotti’s honest words. The fact that you are now responsible for a mini-human and that he is 100 percent dependent on this help can also be overwhelming. “Suddenly there was a baby that I was responsible for. I was at home most of the time, breastfeeding him, putting him to bed. I felt very lonely at times at the beginning.”

Breastfeeding or infant milk? A controversial topic

Breastfeeding is the best thing for the baby, that’s it! Society expects new mothers to breastfeed their babies. Sentences like “Breast milk is the only right food” or “Every woman can breastfeed” are hurtful and triggering. Aurora Ramazzotti breastfed little Cesare “for a while,” but “then suddenly it stopped working.” A circumstance that made the young mother feel bad. She continued: “I got help at night because I had a cesarean section, which was very painful. That’s why I wanted someone to give him milk at night. I then started pumping, but at some point it stopped coming.” So she had to give baby Cesare replacement milk, a compromise because of her “low milk production.” But that shouldn’t make Aurora Ramazzotti feel bad. Every mother should decide for herself whether she wants to breastfeed her child at all and for how long she wants to do so. It is no one’s place to judge.

Aurora Ramazzotti: Criticism of caesarean section

The topic of cesarean section is also discussed a lot. The social pressure that only a vaginal birth is a real birth is terrible. The main thing is that you get to hold your baby in your arms at the end, right?! “Society makes you feel like you’re less of a mother if you’ve had a cesarean section or given formula. But I think every mother should decide for herself how she wants to give birth to her child. But in our society that’s not the case “It’s welcome if you have a cesarean section.” Because of this social pressure, many new mothers have to suffer because they are made to feel like they have failed, have done something wrong or have not succeeded. “I suffered a little because of that because I felt like, ‘I couldn’t give birth naturally and I couldn’t breastfeed!’ “Society puts a lot of pressure on you when it comes to giving birth and breastfeeding naturally.”

Unfortunately, Aurora Ramazzotti will not be able to change these social expectations and views and the big problem behind them on her own, but through her open and honest words she is at least providing information. Education that is important and may sensitize many soon-to-be mothers to these topics.

Aurora Ramazzotti: “I’m not like my mother”

In an interview with RTL, Aurora also spoke about the topic of siblings. As soon as you have brought a baby into the world, many people start to wonder when the next child will come, which is also a social problem that triggers many mothers. The young mom also has a clear stance on this, saying: “I’m not like my mom. She wanted one child after another. I just can’t imagine it.” So Michelle Hunziker has to wait a little longer until she becomes a double grandma. “Our focus is Cesare,” explains daughter Aurora.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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