You are currently viewing Amaia Montero reappears after being admitted to the ICU with Xabi, from La Oreja de Van Gogh

It was in the middle of last July when alarms went off about Amaia Montero’s health.

The singer was admitted to the ICU of the Beata María Ana hospital, where she remained for 10 days to recover from a postoperative problem.

Montero had to be operated on for a finger injury and by not following medical recommendations after the intervention, she developed a series of complications that forced her to remain under observation. However, as soon as the news hit the media, her family and those close to her quickly came out to clarify that the artist was “fine” and that it had not been anything serious.

Two months have passed since this latest misstep and it seems that Amaia Montero She is fully recovered. This is demonstrated by the last selfie that he has published on his social networks, where He smiles next to his former colleague in La Oreja de Van Gogh, Xabi Martín. The band’s composer and guitarist is one of the singer’s great friends and their relationship did not cool despite the group’s separation.

Amaia Montero and Xabi Martín

The LODVG song that Xabi San Martín dedicated to Amaia

At the end of 2022, the singer left very evident proof on her social networks that the composer had been inspired by her to write one of the songs from La Oreja de Van Gogh from his new stage with Leire Martínez.

“THANK YOU BROTHER Xabi San Martin for summarizing in 3 minutes 25 years of a fundamental part of our lives! I love you,” Amaia wrote about a fragment of the song So beautiful, a single that San Martin himself sings as a bonus track from the album El planeta imaginario, released in 2016.

It must be April already

But what do they know?

There is not a day in the world

I don’t miss you

So pretty, sweet and delicate

That looking at you burned

So beautiful

That since you left and turned your back on me

My life stopped

The day Amaia Montero left Van Gogh’s Ear

Amaia Montero hits the road and blankets in 2007 to embark on a solo career far from Blue dress or Geography. He said goodbye, expressing his “brotherly affection” towards his companions, with whomand had shared university.

A year later, the group announced their return to the stage with a new vocalist. Leire Martinez, who had become known on X Factor, was the chosen one. Although the public received her with some suspicion, she soon gained the respect of fans. Since then they have released four studio albums: At five in the astoria, Comets through the sky, The imaginary planet and A whisper in the storm.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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