Few know it, but the browser of Google Chrome it has a considerable range of keyboard shortcuts in its version for desktop computers.

These shortcuts, which are nothing more than a combination of keys that automatically activate different browser actions and options, help us improve our experience when surfing through different tabs and websites.

Our dependence on the mouse is considerable, especially on desktop computers, regardless of whether or not it is Linux, Windows or macOS. But still, sometimes unforeseen events can arise, where this accessory stops working.

It is in this scenario where we begin to value more the use of keyboard shortcuts since they make a difference. But even learning these shortcuts that we will share with you today can improve our experience and efficiency in the use of this browser.

Google Chrome is the most popular browser today, but the reality is that many users have a wide margin of opportunity to get the most out of it and this list can help you do so.

Google Chrome: keyboard shortcuts for web pages

On this occasion we are going to review only the direct navigation shortcuts taken directly from the official support website from the Google Chrome browser.

This key combination should be tested while browsing a particular website:

  • Ctrl + P AAddress bar key combinationsOpen options for printing the current page
  • Ctrl + S Open options to save the current page
  • F5 or Ctrl + R Reload current page
  • Shift + F5 or Ctrl + Shift + R Reload current page, ignoring cached content
  • Esc Stop a page that is loading
  • Tab Scroll forward through clickable items
  • Shift + Tab Move backward through clickable items
  • Ctrl + O + Select a file Open a file on your computer in Chrome
  • Ctrl + U Display the uneditable HTML source code of the current page
  • Ctrl + D Save the current web page as a bookmark
  • Ctrl + Shift + D Bookmark all open tabs in a new folder
  • F11 Turn full screen mode on or off
  • Ctrl and + Expand all page content
  • Ctrl y – Shrink all page content
  • Ctrl + 0 Restore the default size of all page content
  • Spacebar or Page Down Scroll down a web page (from screen to screen)
  • Shift + Space or Page Up Scroll up a web page
  • Home Go to the top of the page
  • End Go to the bottom of the page
  • Shift + Scroll mouse wheel Scroll horizontally on the page
  • Ctrl + Left Arrow Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word in a text field
  • Ctrl + Right Arrow Move cursor to next word
  • Ctrl + Backspace key Delete the previous word in a text field
  • Alt + Home Open the main page in the current tab
  • Ctrl + 0 Reset page zoom level

Address bar shortcuts

These shortcuts are more basic and most likely you have already used them:

  • Type a search term + Enter Search with the default search engine
  • Type the name of a search engine and press Tab Search with another search engine
  • Type the name of a website + Ctrl + Enter Add www. and .com to the name of a website and open it in the current tab
  • Type a search term + Alt + Enter Open a new tab and do a Google search
  • Ctrl + L, Alt + D or F6 Go to the address bar
  • Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E Search from anywhere on the page
  • Down arrow to highlight prediction + Shift + Delete Remove predictions from address bar
  • Ctrl + F5 Move cursor to address bar

These are the basic shortcuts. But there are many more that we can explore in future articles.


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