Robert Habeck is currently under massive criticism. His planned heat law is causing a lot of trouble even in the coalition. That is why the Economics Minister is increasingly willing to compromise on the subject. “You can negotiate transitional periods, increase social cushions,” said Habeck in the “RND on-site” talk series.

In the same breath, Habeck admitted that the core of the Building Energy Act, the extensive ban on installing new oil and gas heating systems, was non-negotiable. “We don’t need it without it,” says Habeck.

During the meeting, the Economics Minister emphasized his confidence that the legislative package that had been passed would be passed by Parliament before the summer recess. The sometimes angry reactions from the population to his project were part of it.

Habeck: “Basically, I admire the young people for their courage – all”

In this context, Habeck also expressed understanding for the radical approach of the “last generation”: “Basically, I admire the young people for their courage – everyone.” He was particularly impressed by the seriousness of the radical climate activists, whose radicalization is based on the assumption that our prosperity is killing people. That is to be welcomed compared to the indifference of many others.

Habeck summarized their mantra as follows: “I don’t care, I’m driving on the Autobahn and if the car consumes 20 liters, I don’t care, the main thing is that I’m there quickly or I have the biggest car,” says Habeck. “Then I’d rather take the others.”

Nevertheless, he looks with concern at radical climate protests, because in his eyes they cannot win a majority. “Find forms of protest that create majorities for your concerns and don’t retreat into a niche where you can only have a majority among like-minded people,” he appealed.


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