Investing in a heat pump is worthwhile – there will also be government subsidies in 2023. A subsidy of up to 40 percent is possible.

  • Heat pumps can be a good alternative to the old oil heating system, especially if the new heating ban is really to come
  • Heat pumps can heat apartments or houses with minimal energy consumption
  • The installation can therefore be worthwhile – subsidies for heat pumps are also available in 2023

The energy and price crisis and climate change have triggered a rethink in Germany. More and more private households and companies want to do without classic fuels such as heating oil or gas and instead use more climate-friendly ones alternatives set. In the energy sector, the focus is primarily on new heating systems – these include modern pellet heating systems or heat pumps. In particular, the second heating system mentioned is enjoying increasing popularity in Germany.

In addition, the federal government is planning a new heating law that will ban new oil and gas heating systems from 2024. Although there are exceptions to the heating ban, the law still causes trouble. Experts are criticizing the planned phasing out of oil and gas heating and are calling on Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) to revise the law before it is passed.

Buy a heat pump: Subsidies of up to 40 percent possible – these subsidies are available

Installing a heat pump is possible in almost all buildings, says Sven Kersten from the German Heat Pump Association (BWP) in an interview with our editors. “The statement that a heat pump is only worthwhile in new buildings is nonsense.” A heat pump can also be attractive in old buildings in terms of electricity consumption and costs. Factors such as a correct flow temperature or sufficiently large radiators are important. In addition, it can also be in old buildings – in which an oil or gas heating system is installed – be attractive to switch to the heat pump.

Because if you have an oil or gas heater with a heat pump replaced, this is subsidized as part of a state subsidy. The BWP reports that the 50 percent subsidy for efficient buildings was updated on January 1, 2023. The state subsidy for the heat pump is now made up of several individual subsidies. If you meet all the criteria, you get 40 percent state funding, which is close to the previous 50 percent from basic funding. This is how the new funding is made up:

Designation Funding Percent grant

Basic subsidy (“basic subsidy”)


Heating exchange subsidy


Installation of water / geothermal heat pump


Sum of all government grants


Heat pump in the old building: don’t forget the heating exchange subsidy – this is how you get it

As in the previous year, the basic subsidy for a heat pump is 25 percent: Kersten: “The device must be eligible – that’s a requirement.” The list of all Heat pumps with test/efficiency certificatethat are eligible are published and updated regularly by the Federal Ministry of Economics. A maximum of EUR 60,000 per house or residential unit and per calendar year is eligible. If you want to increase the funding amount to 35 percent, you can use the so-called Heating exchange subsidy Make use:

  • The heating exchange subsidy of an additional 10 percent is paid if the new heat pump completely replaces an oil, coal, night storage or gas floor heating system that is still functional.
  • The same applies to gas central heating systems that have been in operation for at least 20 years “The Subsidy Database”.

In order to get the full 40 percent subsidy, consumers still have to meet the requirements for the five percent bonus subsidy. You get that if as heat source Water, soil or waste water is tapped.


Bonus subsidy for the heat pump only under certain conditions

This is the case with groundwater or geothermal heat pumps, which are generally associated with higher acquisition and installation costs Stands be more heavily subsidised. “What’s new is that the five percent subsidy is granted for air heat pumps that use a natural refrigerant,” explains Kersten. This also makes the extra funding accessible to the general public – because groundwater or geothermal heat pumps are less interesting for individual private households due to the high acquisition and development costs.

But which heat pump is the right one in terms of electricity consumption and costs? The question is difficult to answer – many individual factors play a role. There are many different models for the air heat pump alone, says Kersten. “Some Devices are placed outside. Others, on the other hand, are suitable for indoor use.” Basically, it is therefore advisable to seek individual advice from a local tradesman. “Pay attention to good references and experience,” recommends the expert.

Keep an eye not only on the subsidy for the heat pump but also on other subsidies

Inexperienced craftsmen or Internet offers can take revenge later – for example, if problems arise after installing the heat pump. And with a view to the subsidies, Kersten has another tip ready: “Always find out about possible state subsidies.” Every citizen can claim the 40 percent federal subsidy. In addition, some states have certain heating systems still have their own funding models – but they must then be applied for separately.

The same is to be observed if, in addition to heat pump installed a solar system. Photovoltaic systems are also financially subsidized by some federal states. However, these are also subsidies that must be applied for in addition to the heat pump subsidy. Anyone who would like to know how much subsidy is possible for a heat pump in an individual case can find it on the BWP homepage “Promotion calculator heat pump”. There you have to provide some information about the building and the planned device – the result can then be downloaded as a PDF.

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