What happened to the boy from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

The magical clap of Tim Burton made of the children’s novel Roald Dahl an instant classic of cinema. Charlie and the chocolate factory marked the childhood of many spectators, returning to that humorous acidity that the British literature of the last century, heir to the Dickensian transgenerational literature, used to criticize the bitterness of a society. Both children and adults were shown in a gruesome way, exposing the defects before the virtues, often bordering on discomfort and violence, before the eyes of a lucky little boy who found the golden passage to an industrial dream world inside the wrapper of a chocolate bar.

It was 2005 and now that story starring Johnny Deppwho played Willy Wonka, for the prequel that has just been released in which Timothe Chalamet plays the charismatic boss. Viewers will miss the little guy Charlie, played by Freddie Highmore. However, far from becoming one of those actors who triumph like children, condemning themselves to premature oblivion, Highmore has continued to be present in the industry, in addition to important roles on both the small and big screen.


There are and have been so many of his participations that many have already forgotten that it was he who played Charlie in Burton’s film. Perhaps his most recognized role is that of Shaun Murphy, the young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome who stars in The Good Doctor. The story of how this boy with a complicated childhood became part of the San José St. Bonaventure Hospital team has been awarded and recognized throughout the world, which, among other things, has meant a rise to fame in the Highmore career. Way Down o The Spiderwick Chronicles They are other of his most recognized works.

A special relationship with Spain

Although I was born in London, The interpreter has shown on multiple occasions the love he feels for Spain. In fact, he speaks Spanish very fluently. The reason why he has this eloquence goes back to his university days: He studied Spanish and Arabic Philology and even worked with a scholarship as a text translator in a law firm in Madrid. Those months in the traditional city were holy water for his Spanish.

So much so that Highmore was able to indulge in a little joke a few years ago to justify his good command of the language: The British interpreter claimed to speak like this, and even supported the Spanish soccer team, because his grandmother was Galician. The joke went too far just at the moment when the mayor of Zapateira, the place he chose to give coherence to the invention, I named him adopted soneither. But he wasn’t from there, nor was Wonka’s factory the paradise that that homeless boy dreamed of.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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