Che High on Life It was a success, if it was capitol I released it in December, when its market debuted, I will immediately register your Xbox Game Pass results. Oggi, invece, gli orgogliosissimi ragazzi di Squanch Games have no voluto share with l’utenza an other important risultato raggiunto dalla loro opera.

Attraverso i propri canali social, gli sviluppatori californiani hanno fatto sapere che dal lancio ad oggi High on Life is registered with 7.5 million unicaged visitors. If it is a quantity of absolute value, even if we don’t know how much of the parrot we have decided to buy it and how many times we have preferred to play it in the field of Xbox and PC Game Pass. High on Life, thank you, is added to the catalog immediately to day-one, coming to an end of the sudden I will register the results of the record: if it is infatti revealed the best launch of 2022 in Game Pass none il miglior lancio terze parti nella storia del servizio.

Regardless of the effective number of copies sold, High on Life can be dubbed without definition if a success, so many high numbers contribute to increase the prestige of the service and the benefits of this, focusing on those who are obiettivi prefissati from Microsoft, that if it is supported by the game in exclusive console (High on Life is not at the time planned for its PlayStation 4 and PS5) . After that 7.5 million di giocatori, inoltre, are surely presenti delle persone who with all probability will not avrebbero mai giocato to the title if avessero dovuto acquire it.


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