HOUSTON – The country received good news yesterday when the inflation figures were revealed and we were notified that the annual rate stood at 3%, a notable decrease compared to the 9% that it had in the summer of 2022.

However, looking at the numbers in more detail, there is even better news for Houston. Of the 14 main metropolitan areas in the US, it is the one with the lowest inflation rate, which is even below the national figure.

According to Bureau of Labor StatisticsHouston has an inflation rate of 1.7%a figure that is below -even- the inflation target established by the Federal Reserve, which is 2%.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), In June 2022, the inflation rate in Houston was 10.2% (the highest in over 40 years), but in the last 12 months it has seen a steady decline to fall to June 2023 at 1.7%.

At the other end of the table, the metropolitan area of Miami ranks as the most hit by inflation. As of June of this year, the consumer price rate is located at the 6.9%more than twice the national rate.

These figures could give a breather for the Federal Reserve to stop the increase in interest rates. To see more from Telemundo, visit

The second metropolitan area with the highest inflation in the country is Detroit with 4.7%. In third and fourth place are the cities of Atlanta and Seattle with their respective surrounding areas. In fifth place with the highest inflation in the country, is the metropolitan area of ​​Phoenix.

In Texas, another of the large metropolitan areas (Dallas-Fort Worth) registers a high rate of inflation that as of May stood at 4.7%.

What is notable in the case of Miami -compared to that of Houston- is that a year ago the two cities registered practically the same level of inflation, but the decrease in the rate in South Florida has not behaved at the same level of other areas of the country.

Experts say that -in large part- this is due to the high housing and rent prices that people live in Miami and its surrounding cities.

If you want to see the behavior of the inflation rate in the main metropolitan areas of the country, you can click hereYo.


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